Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField class

CheckboxField class

Class representing checkbox field.

class CheckboxField : public Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field


AddOption(System::String)Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. The new checkbox is added to the bottom of the group.
AddOption(System::String, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time.
AddOption(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time.
CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Page>, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Constructor for CheckboxField class.
CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr<Document>, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>)Constructor for CheckboxField class.
CheckboxField()Create instance of CheckboxField.
CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr<Document>)Constructor to use with Generator.
Clone() overrideClone the checkbox.
get_ActiveState() overrideGets current annotation appearance state.
get_AllowedStates()Returns list of allowed states.
get_Checked()Gets state of check box.
get_ExportValue()Gets export value of CheckBox field.
get_Style()Gets style of check box.
get_Value() overrideGets value of check box field.
set_ActiveState(System::String) overrideSets current annotation appearance state.
set_Checked(bool)Sets state of check box.
set_ExportValue(System::String)Sets export value of CheckBox field.
set_Style(BoxStyle)Sets style of check box.
set_Value(System::String) overrideSets value of check box field.

See Also