Aspose::Pdf::Security::ValidationOptions class
]ValidationOptions class
Represents options for validating a digital signature in a PDF document.
class ValidationOptions : public System::Object
Method | Description |
get_RequestTimeout() const | Gets the timeout duration, in milliseconds, for network-related operations during the validation process. The RequestTimeout property defines the maximum time the system should wait for a network response when accessing online resources, such as revocation status or OCSP servers. |
get_ValidationMethod() const | Gets the method used to validate a certificate. |
get_ValidationMode() const | Gets the mode of validation for digital signatures in a PDF document. The ValidationMode property determines the strictness of the validation process. |
set_RequestTimeout(int32_t) | Sets the timeout duration, in milliseconds, for network-related operations during the validation process. The RequestTimeout property defines the maximum time the system should wait for a network response when accessing online resources, such as revocation status or OCSP servers. |
set_ValidationMethod(Aspose::Pdf::Security::ValidationMethod) | Sets the method used to validate a certificate. |
set_ValidationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Security::ValidationMode) | Sets the mode of validation for digital signatures in a PDF document. The ValidationMode property determines the strictness of the validation process. |
ValidationOptions() | Creates an instance of ValidationOptions class. |
See Also
- Class Object
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf::Security
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++