Aspose::Pdf::Text::AbsorbedCell class

AbsorbedCell class

Represents cell of table that exist on the page.

class AbsorbedCell : public Aspose::Pdf::Text::ITableElement,
                     public System::IComparable<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::AbsorbedCell>>


CompareTo(System::SharedPtr<AbsorbedCell>) overrideCompares the current AbsorbedCell object with another AbsorbedCell object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
get_BorderInfo() constReturn the border information for the cell when the FlowEngine.TableAbsorber.UseFlowEngine property is set to true.
get_ColSpan() constReturn the number of columns the cell should span when TableAbsorber.UseFlowEngine property is set to true.
get_Rectangle() overrideGets rectangle that describes position of the cell on page.
get_TextFragments() constGets collection of TextFragment objects that describes text containing in the cell.

See Also