Aspose::Pdf::Text::ParagraphAbsorberOptions class
]ParagraphAbsorberOptions class
Represents options for the ParagraphAbsorber.
class ParagraphAbsorberOptions : public System::Object
Method | Description |
get_SearchRectangle() const | Gets paragraph search rectangle. |
get_SectionUnbreakingHorizontalOverride() const | Gets the maximum length of zone with ‘zero filling level’ that will not be treated as actual horizontal section break (as a fraction of the width / height of a page). The default value is 0.005. |
get_SectionUnbreakingVerticalOverride() const | Gets the maximum length of zone with ‘zero filling level’ that will not be treated as actual vertical section break (as a fraction of the width / height of a page). The default value is 0.005. |
ParagraphAbsorberOptions() | Initializes a new instance of the ParagraphAbsorberOptions object. |
set_SearchRectangle(System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>) | Sets paragraph search rectangle. |
set_SectionUnbreakingHorizontalOverride(double) | Sets the maximum length of zone with ‘zero filling level’ that will not be treated as actual horizontal section break (as a fraction of the width / height of a page). The default value is 0.005. |
set_SectionUnbreakingVerticalOverride(double) | Sets the maximum length of zone with ‘zero filling level’ that will not be treated as actual vertical section break (as a fraction of the width / height of a page). The default value is 0.005. |
See Also
- Class Object
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf::Text
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++