Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStops::Add method

TabStops::Add() method

Initializes a new instance of the TabStop class and add it to the TabStops collection.

System::SharedPtr<TabStop> Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStops::Add()


The new TabStop object.

See Also

TabStops::Add(float) method

Initializes a new instance of the TabStop class with specified position and add it to the TabStops collection.

System::SharedPtr<TabStop> Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStops::Add(float position)
positionfloatThe position of the tab stop.


The new TabStop object.

See Also

TabStops::Add(float, TabLeaderType) method

Initializes a new instance of the TabStop class with specified position and leader type and add it to the TabStops collection.

System::SharedPtr<TabStop> Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStops::Add(float position, TabLeaderType leaderType)
positionfloatThe position of the tab stop.
leaderTypeTabLeaderTypeThe leader type of the tab stop.


The new TabStop object.

See Also

TabStops::Add(System::SharedPtr<TabStop>) method

Add instance of the TabStop class to the TabStops collection.

void Aspose::Pdf::Text::TabStops::Add(System::SharedPtr<TabStop> tabStop)
tabStopSystem::SharedPtr<TabStop>The TabStop object.

See Also