Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextFragmentState class
]TextFragmentState class
Represents a text state of a text fragment.
class TextFragmentState : public Aspose::Pdf::Text::TextState
Method | Description |
ApplyChangesFrom(System::SharedPtr<TextState>) override | Applies settings from another textState. |
get_BackgroundColor() override | Sets background color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_CharacterSpacing() override | Gets character spacing of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_CoordinateOrigin() override | Gets text CoordinateOrigin. If CoordinateOrigin is Descender, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s lowest point. If CoordinateOrigin is BaseLine, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s baseline. The default value is Descender. If the font’s Descent value is too big, text can be rendered higher than other fonts. In this case, CoordinateOrigin BaseLine can be selected for better text rendering. |
get_DrawTextRectangleBorder() const | Gets if text rectangle border drawn flag. |
get_Font() override | Gets font of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_FontSize() override | Gets font size of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_FontStyle() override | Sets font style of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_ForegroundColor() override | Gets foreground color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_FormattingOptions() const | Gets formatting options. Setting of the options will be effective in generator scenarios only. |
get_HorizontalAlignment() override | Gets horizontal alignment for the text. |
get_HorizontalScaling() override | Gets horizontal scaling of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_Invisible() override | Gets invisibility of the text. |
get_LineSpacing() override | Gets line spacing of the text. |
get_RenderingMode() override | Gets rendering mode of the text. |
get_Rotation() | Gets rotation angle in degrees. |
get_StrikeOut() override | Gets strikeout for the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_StrokingColor() override | Gets color stroking operations of TextFragment rendering (stroke text, rectangle border) |
get_Subscript() override | Gets subscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_Superscript() override | Gets superscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_TabStops() const | Gets tabstops for the text. |
get_Underline() override | Gets underline for the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
get_WordSpacing() override | Gets word spacing of the text. |
IsFitRectangle(System::String, System::SharedPtr<Rectangle>) | Checks if input string could be placed inside defined rectangle. |
MeasureHeight(char16_t) | Measures character height. |
MeasureString(System::String) override | Measures the string. |
set_BackgroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>) override | Sets background color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_CharacterSpacing(float) override | Sets character spacing of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_CoordinateOrigin(Aspose::Pdf::Text::CoordinateOrigin) override | Sets text CoordinateOrigin. If CoordinateOrigin is Descender, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s lowest point. If CoordinateOrigin is BaseLine, the text Y coordinate corresponds to the font’s baseline. The default value is Descender. If the font’s Descent value is too big, text can be rendered higher than other fonts. In this case, CoordinateOrigin BaseLine can be selected for better text rendering. |
set_DrawTextRectangleBorder(bool) | Sets if text rectangle border drawn flag. |
set_Font(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Text::Font>) override | Sets font of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_FontSize(float) override | Sets font size of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_FontStyle(FontStyles) override | Sets font style of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_ForegroundColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>) override | Sets foreground color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_FormattingOptions(System::SharedPtr<TextFormattingOptions>) | Sets formatting options. Setting of the options will be effective in generator scenarios only. |
set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment) override | Sets horizontal alignment for the text. |
set_HorizontalScaling(float) override | Sets horizontal scaling of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_Invisible(bool) override | Sets invisibility of the text. |
set_LineSpacing(float) override | Sets line spacing of the text. |
set_RenderingMode(TextRenderingMode) override | Sets rendering mode of the text. |
set_Rotation(double) | Sets rotation angle in degrees. |
set_StrikeOut(bool) override | Sets strikeout for the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_StrokingColor(System::SharedPtr<Color>) override | Sets color stroking operations of TextFragment rendering (stroke text, rectangle border) |
set_Subscript(bool) override | Sets subscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_Superscript(bool) override | Sets superscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_Underline(bool) override | Sets underline for the text, represented by the TextFragment object. |
set_WordSpacing(float) override | Sets word spacing of the text. |
TextFragmentState(System::SharedPtr<TextFragment>) | Initializes new instance of the TextFragmentState object with specified TextFragment object. This TextFragmentState initialization is not supported. TextFragmentState is only available with TextFragment::TextState property. |
Provides a way to change following properties of the text: font (TextFragmentState::Font property) font size (TextFragmentState::FontSize property) font style (TextFragmentState::FontStyle property) foreground color (TextFragmentState::ForegroundColor property) background color (TextFragmentState::BackgroundColor property)
Note that changing TextFragmentState properties may change inner TextFragment::Segments collection because TextFragment is an aggregate object and it may rearrange internal segments or merge them into single segment. If your requirement is to leave the TextFragment::Segments collection unchanged, please change inner segments individually.
See Also
- Class TextState
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf::Text
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++