Aspose::Pdf::Vector::Extraction::SvgExtractionOptions::get_MinStrokeWidth method
SvgExtractionOptions::get_MinStrokeWidth method
Gets the minimum stroke width that will be used in the resulting SVG. If the PDF use a thinner stroke width, it will be replaced with this width. The default value is 0.5.
double Aspose::Pdf::Vector::Extraction::SvgExtractionOptions::get_MinStrokeWidth() const
The value is expressed in transformed user space units of the converted PDF page. By default 1 user space unit is 1/72 inch (0.35 mm), but this can be overridden by the PDF document. Transforms can affect the actual minimum width in the generated SVG.
See Also
- Class SvgExtractionOptions
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf::Vector::Extraction
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++