Aspose::Pdf::CollectionFieldSubtype enum

CollectionFieldSubtype enum

Represents the subtype parameter of a field in a sceme collection.

enum class CollectionFieldSubtype


None0The subtype is not defined.
S1A text type. The field data shall be stored as a PDF text string.
D2A date type. The field data shall be stored as a PDF date string.
N3A number type. The field data shall be stored as a PDF number.
F4The field data shall be the file name of the embedded file stream, as identified by the UF entry of the file specification, if present; otherwise by the F entry of the file specification.
Desc5The field data shall be the file name of the embedded file stream, as identified by the UF entry of the file specification, if present; otherwise by the F entry of the file specification.
ModDate6The field data shall be the modification date of the embedded file stream, as identified by the ModDate entry in the embedded file parameter dictionary.
CreationDate7The field data shall be the creation date of the embedded file stream, as identified by the CreationDate entry in the embedded file.
Size8The field data shall be the size of the embedded file, as identified by the Size entry in the embedded file parameter dictionary.
CompressedSize9(PDF 2.0) The field data is the length of the embedded file stream, as identified by the Length entry in the embedded file stream dictionary, and the two values shall be identical.

See Also