Aspose::Pdf::ExcelSaveOptions class

ExcelSaveOptions class

Save options for export to Excel format.

class ExcelSaveOptions : public Aspose::Pdf::UnifiedSaveOptions


ExcelFormatAllows to specify .xlsx, .xls/xml or csv file format. Default value is XLSX;.


get_Format() constOutput format.
get_InsertBlankColumnAtFirst() constSet true if you need inserting of blank column as the first column of worksheet. Default value is false; it means that blank column will not be inserted.
get_MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets() constSet true if you need to minimize the number of worksheets in resultant workbook. Default value is false; it means save of each PDF page as separated worksheet.
get_UniformWorksheets() constSet true for using uniform columns division through the document. Default value is false; it means that columns division will independent for each page.
set_Format(ExcelSaveOptions::ExcelFormat)Output format.
set_InsertBlankColumnAtFirst(bool)Set true if you need inserting of blank column as the first column of worksheet. Default value is false; it means that blank column will not be inserted.
set_MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets(bool)Set true if you need to minimize the number of worksheets in resultant workbook. Default value is false; it means save of each PDF page as separated worksheet.
set_UniformWorksheets(bool)Set true for using uniform columns division through the document. Default value is false; it means that columns division will independent for each page.

See Also