Aspose::Pdf::ImagePlacement class
]ImagePlacement class
Represents characteristics of an image placed to Pdf document page.
class ImagePlacement : public System::Object
Method | Description |
get_CompositingParameters() const | Gets compositing parameters of graphics state active for the image placed to the page. |
get_Image() const | Gets related XImage resource object. |
get_Matrix() const | Current transformation matrix for this image. |
get_Operator() const | Operator used for displaying the image. |
get_Page() const | Gets the page containing the image. |
get_Rectangle() const | Gets rectangle of the Image. |
get_Resolution() const | Gets resolution of the Image. |
get_Rotation() const | Gets rotation angle of the Image. |
Hide() | Delete image from the page. |
Replace(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) | Replace image in collection with another image. |
Save(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>) | Saves image with corresponding transformations: scaling, rotation and resolution. |
Save(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat>) | Saves image with corresponding transformations: scaling, rotation and resolution. |
When an image is placed to a page it may have dimensions other than physical dimensions defined in Resources. The object ImagePlacement is intended to provide such information like dimensions, resolution and so on.
See Also
- Class Object
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++