System::Globalization::CompareInfo::IsPrefix method

CompareInfo::IsPrefix(const String&, const String&) const method

Checks if the specified string starts with the specified prefix.

virtual bool System::Globalization::CompareInfo::IsPrefix(const String &source, const String &prefix) const
sourceconst String&Source string.
prefixconst String&Prefix string.


True if string starts with prefix; otherwise false.

See Also

CompareInfo::IsPrefix(const String&, const String&, CompareOptions) const method

Checks if the specified string starts with the specified prefix using the specified compare options.

virtual bool System::Globalization::CompareInfo::IsPrefix(const String &source, const String &prefix, CompareOptions options) const
sourceconst String&Source string.
prefixconst String&Prefix string.
optionsCompareOptionsCompare options.


True if string starts with prefix; otherwise false.

See Also