System::Xml::Xsl::IXsltContextFunction::Invoke method

IXsltContextFunction::Invoke method

Provides the method to invoke the function with the given arguments in the given context.

virtual SharedPtr<Object> System::Xml::Xsl::IXsltContextFunction::Invoke(SharedPtr<XsltContext> xsltContext, ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<Object>> args, SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator> docContext)=0
xsltContextSharedPtr<XsltContext>The XSLT context for the function call.
argsArrayPtr<SharedPtr<Object>>The arguments of the function call. Each argument is an element in the array.
docContextSharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>The context node for the function call.


An Object representing the return value of the function.

See Also