System::Xml::XmlNodeChangedEventArgs class

XmlNodeChangedEventArgs class

Provides data for the XmlDocument::NodeChanged, XmlDocument::NodeChanging, XmlDocument::NodeInserted, XmlDocument::NodeInserting, XmlDocument::NodeRemoved and XmlDocument::NodeRemoving events.

class XmlNodeChangedEventArgs : public System::EventArgs


get_Action()Returns a value indicating what type of node change event is occurring.
get_NewParent()Returns the value of the XmlNode::get_ParentNode after the operation completes.
get_NewValue()Returns the new value of the node.
get_Node()Returns the XmlNode that is being added, removed or changed.
get_OldParent()Returns the value of the XmlNode::get_ParentNode before the operation began.
get_OldValue()Returns the original value of the node.
XmlNodeChangedEventArgs(const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const String&, const String&, XmlNodeChangedAction)Initializes a new instance of the XmlNodeChangedEventArgs class.


static EmptyA static member that represents an “empty” EventArgs shared pointer (null-pointer).


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.


Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also