System::Xml::XmlTextReader::get_Value method
]XmlTextReader::get_Value method
Returns the text value of the current node.
String System::Xml::XmlTextReader::get_Value() override
The value returned depends on the XmlTextReader::get_NodeType value of the node.
The following table lists node types that have a value to return. All other node types return String::Empty. | |
Node Type | Value |
Attribute | The value of the attribute. |
CDATA | The content of the CDATA section. |
Comment | The content of the comment. |
DocumentType | The internal subset. |
ProcessingInstruction | The entire content, excluding the target. |
SignificantWhitespace | The white space within an xml:space=‘preserve’ scope. |
Text | The content of the text node. |
Whitespace | The white space between markup. |
XmlDeclaration | The content of the declaration. |
See Also
- Class String
- Class XmlTextReader
- Namespace System::Xml
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++