Aspose.PDF for Go via C++

Aspose.PDF for Go via C++ allows developers manipulate them PDF files directly in the Go.



Document represents a PDF-document.

type Document struct {


Convert from PDF functions

SaveDocXConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as DocX-document.
SaveDocConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as Doc-document.
SaveXlsXConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as XlsX-document.
SaveTxtConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as Txt-document.
SavePptXConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as PptX-document.
SaveXpsConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as Xps-document.
SaveTeXConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as TeX-document.
SaveEpubConvert and save the previously opened PDF-document as Epub-document.
PageToJpgConvert and save the specified page as Jpg-image.
PageToPngConvert and save the specified page as Png-image.
PageToBmpConvert and save the specified page as Bmp-image.
PageToTiffConvert and save the specified page as Tiff-image.
PageToSvgConvert and save the specified page as Svg-image.
PageToPdfConvert and save the specified page as Pdf.
PageToDICOMConvert and save the specified page as DICOM-image.

Organize PDF functions

OptimizeOptimize PDF-document content.
OptimizeResourceOptimize resources of PDF-document.
GrayscaleConvert PDF-document to black and white.
RotateRotate PDF-document.
SetBackgroundSet PDF-document background color.
RepairRepaire PDF-document.
ReplaceTextReplace text in PDF-document.
AddPageNumAdd page number to a PDF-document.
AddTextHeaderAdd text in Header of a PDF-document.
AddTextFooterAdd text in Footer of a PDF-document.
PageRotateRotate page.
PageSetSizeSet size of page.
PageGrayscaleConvert page to black and white.
PageAddTextAdd text on page.
PageReplaceTextReplace text on page.
PageAddPageNumAdd page number on page.
PageAddTextHeaderAdd text in page header.
PageAddTextFooterAdd text in page footer.

Core PDF functions

NewCreate a new PDF-document.
OpenOpen a PDF-document with filename.
SaveSave the previously opened PDF-document.
SaveAsSave the previously opened PDF-document with new filename.
CloseRelease allocated resources for PDF-document.
SetLicenseSet license with filename.
ExtractTextReturn the PDF-document contents as plain text.
WordCountReturn word count in PDF-document.
CharacterCountReturn character count in PDF-document.
PageAddAdd new page in PDF-document.
PageInsertInsert new page at the specified position in PDF-document.
PageDeleteDelete specified page in PDF-document.
PageCountReturn page count in PDF-document.
PageWordCountReturn word count on specified page in PDF-document.
PageCharacterCountReturn character count on specified page in PDF-document.
PageIsBlankReturn page is blank in PDF-document.


Enumeration of possible rotation values.

const (
    RotationNone  int32 = 0 // Non-rotated.
    RotationOn90  int32 = 1 // Rotated on 90 degrees clockwise.
    RotationOn180 int32 = 2 // Rotated on 180 degrees.
    RotationOn270 int32 = 3 // Rotated on 270 degrees clockwise.
    RotationOn360 int32 = 4 // Rotated on 360 degrees clockwise.

Enumeration of possible page size values.

const (
    PageSizeA0         int32 = 0  // A0 size.
    PageSizeA1         int32 = 1  // A1 size.
    PageSizeA2         int32 = 2  // A2 size.
    PageSizeA3         int32 = 3  // A3 size.
    PageSizeA4         int32 = 4  // A4 size.
    PageSizeA5         int32 = 5  // A5 size.
    PageSizeA6         int32 = 6  // A6 size.
    PageSizeB5         int32 = 7  // B5 size.
    PageSizePageLetter int32 = 8  // PageLetter size.
    PageSizePageLegal  int32 = 9  // PageLegal size.
    PageSizePageLedger int32 = 10 // PageLedger size.
    PageSizeP11x17     int32 = 11 // P11x17 size.