
TextFragmentState class

Represents a text state of a text fragment.

The TextFragmentState type exposes the following members:


TextFragmentState(fragment)Initializes a new instance of the TextFragmentState class


character_spacingGets or sets character spacing of the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
line_spacingGets or sets line spacing of the text.
horizontal_scalingGets or sets horizontal scaling of the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
subscriptGets or sets subscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
superscriptGets or sets superscript of the text, represented by the TextFragment object.
word_spacingGets or sets word spacing of the text.
invisibleGets or sets invisibility of the text.
rendering_modeGets or sets rendering mode of the text.
font_sizeGets or sets font size of the text, represented by the TextFragment object
fontGets or sets font of the text, represented by the TextFragment object
foreground_colorGets or sets foreground color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object
stroking_colorGets or sets color stroking operations of TextFragment rendering (stroke text, rectangle border)
underlineGets or sets underline for the text, represented by the TextFragment object
strike_outSets strikeout for the text, represented by the TextFragment object
background_colorSets background color of the text, represented by the TextFragment object
font_styleSets font style of the text, represented by the TextFragment object
horizontal_alignmentGets or sets horizontal alignment for the text.
TAB_TAGYou can place this tag in text to declare tabulation.
TABSTOP_DEFAULT_VALUEDefault value of tabulation in widths of space character of default font.
tab_stopsGets tabstops for the text.
formatting_optionsGets or sets formatting options.
Setting of the options will be effective in generator scenarios only.
rotationGets or sets rotation angle in degrees.
draw_text_rectangle_borderGets or sets if text rectangle border drawn flag.


apply_changes_from(text_state)Applies settings from another textState.
measure_string(str)Measures the string.

See Also