Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.LayerResource, com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.smartobjectresources.PlacedResource
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.smartobjectresources.ISmartObjectLayerResource
public abstract class SmartObjectResource extends PlacedResource implements ISmartObjectLayerResource
Defines the SmartObjectResource class that contains information about a smart object layer in a PSD file. Is is the base class for Sold and Sole resources that is used to support smart object layers in the Adobe\ufffd Photoshop\ufffd images.
Method | Description |
assert_internalized(Object actualValue, Object expectedValue, String message) | Asserts that the specified actual value equals to the expected value. |
checkAndSetIfResourceIsPsbSpecific_internalized(int key) | Checks the and set if resource is PSB specific. |
convertListStructureToDoubleArray_internalized(ListStructure list) | Converts the list structure to a double array. |
equals(Object arg0) | |
getAntiAliasPolicy() | Gets or sets the anti alias policy of the smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
getBottom() | Gets or sets the bottom location of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
getBounds() | Gets or sets the bounds of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getClass() | |
getComp() | Gets or sets the comp value of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getCompId() | Gets or sets the ID of the currently selected comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. |
getCrop() | Gets or sets the crop of the smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
getDefaultUnitType_internalized() | Gets or sets the default unit type for assigned values such as Left, Top, Right, Bottom, TransformMatrix. |
getDurationDenominator() | Gets or sets the duration denominator. |
getDurationNumerator() | Gets or sets the duration numerator. |
getFrameCount() | Gets or sets the frame count of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getFrameStepDenominator() | Gets or sets the frame step denominator. |
getFrameStepNumerator() | Gets or sets the frame step numerator. |
getHeader_internalized() | Gets or sets the header. |
getHeight() | Gets or sets the height. |
getHorizontalMeshPointUnit() | Gets or sets the measure unit of the horizontal mesh points. |
getHorizontalMeshPoints() | Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getItems() | Gets or sets the descriptor items of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getKey() | Gets the layer resource key. |
getLeft() | Gets or sets the left location of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getLength() | Gets the smart object resource length in bytes. |
getNonAffineTransformMatrix() | Gets or sets the non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getOriginalCompId() | Gets the original ID of the currently selected Comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. |
getPageNumber() | Gets or sets the page number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getPerspective() | Gets or sets the perspective value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getPerspectiveOther() | Gets or sets the perspective other value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getPlacedId() | Gets or sets the unique identifier of this smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
getPlacedId_internalized() | |
getPlacedLayerType() | Gets or sets the type of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getPrefixLength_internalized(int psdVersion) | Gets the prefix length. |
getPsdVersion() | Gets the minimal psd version required for layer resource. |
getResolution() | Gets or sets the resolution of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getResolutionUnit() | Gets or sets the resolution measure unit of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getRight() | Gets or sets the right location of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getSignature() | Gets the layer resource signature. |
getTop() | Gets or sets the top location of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
getTotalPages() | Gets or sets the total pages number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getTransformMatrix() | Gets or sets the transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
getUOrder() | Gets or sets the U order value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getUniqueId() | Gets or sets the global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource in the PSD image. |
getUniqueId_internalized() | |
getVOrder() | Gets or sets the V order value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getValue() | Gets or sets the warp value of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
getVersion() | Gets the version of the placed layer in the PSD file, usually 3. |
getVerticalMeshPointUnit() | Gets or sets the measure unit of the vertical mesh points. |
getVerticalMeshPoints() | Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
getWarpClassID_internalized() | Gets or sets the class ID. |
getWarpClassName_internalized() | Gets or sets the warp class name. |
getWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized() | Gets or sets the warp descriptor version. |
getWarpItems_internalized() | The warp items. |
getWarpVersion_internalized() | Gets or sets the warp version. |
getWidth() | Gets or sets the width. |
get_Item(String index) | Gets the {@link ##Aspose#PSD#FileFormats#Psd#Layers#LayerResources} at the specified index. |
hasBoundsUnits_internalized() | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has bounds units. |
hashCode() | |
initProreties_internalized(PlaceResourceParams plLdResourceParams) | |
initializeBounds_internalized(Rectangle bounds) | Initializes the bounds and matrices. |
initializeItems_internalized() | |
isCustom() | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance warp style is custom. |
isResourcePsbSpecificByKey_internalized(int key) | Determines whether the resource is PSB specific. |
isResourcePsbSpecific_internalized() | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is resource PSB specific. |
isRotateOrientationHorizontal_internalized() | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance rotate orientation is horizontal. |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
save(StreamContainer streamContainer, int psdVersion) | Saves the smart object resource to the specified stream container. |
saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature) | Saves the custom resource header. |
saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature, boolean isLengthLong) | Saves the header signature, identifier and length. |
setAntiAliasPolicy(int value) | Gets or sets the anti alias policy of the smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
setBottom(double value) | Gets or sets the bottom location of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
setBounds(Rectangle value) | Gets or sets the bounds of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setComp(int value) | Gets or sets the comp value of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setCompId(int value) | Gets or sets the ID of the currently selected comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. |
setCrop(int value) | Gets or sets the crop of the smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
setCustom(boolean value) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance warp style is custom. |
setDefaultUnitType_internalized(int value) | Gets or sets the default unit type for assigned values such as Left, Top, Right, Bottom, TransformMatrix. |
setDurationDenominator(int value) | Gets or sets the duration denominator. |
setDurationNumerator(int value) | Gets or sets the duration numerator. |
setFrameCount(int value) | Gets or sets the frame count of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setFrameStepDenominator(int value) | Gets or sets the frame step denominator. |
setFrameStepNumerator(int value) | Gets or sets the frame step numerator. |
setHeader_internalized(PsdHeader value) | Gets or sets the header. |
setHeight(double value) | Gets or sets the height. |
setHorizontalMeshPointUnit(int value) | Gets or sets the measure unit of the horizontal mesh points. |
setHorizontalMeshPoints(double[] value) | Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setItems(OSTypeStructure[] value) | Gets or sets the descriptor items of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setLeft(double value) | Gets or sets the left location of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setNonAffineTransformMatrix(double[] value) | Gets or sets the non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setOriginalCompId_internalized(int value) | Gets the original ID of the currently selected Comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. |
setPageNumber(int value) | Gets or sets the page number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setPerspective(double value) | Gets or sets the perspective value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setPerspectiveOther(double value) | Gets or sets the perspective other value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setPlacedId(UUID value) | Gets or sets the unique identifier of this smart object layer data in the PSD image. |
setPlacedId_internalized(System.Guid value) | |
setPlacedLayerType(int value) | Gets or sets the type of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setResolution(double value) | Gets or sets the resolution of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setResolutionUnit(int value) | Gets or sets the resolution measure unit of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setRight(double value) | Gets or sets the right location of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setRotateOrientationHorizontal_internalized(boolean value) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance rotate orientation is horizontal. |
setTop(double value) | Gets or sets the top location of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
setTotalPages(int value) | Gets or sets the total pages number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setTransformMatrix(double[] value) | Gets or sets the transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. |
setUOrder(int value) | Gets or sets the U order value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setUniqueId(UUID value) | Gets or sets the global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource in the PSD image. |
setUniqueId_internalized(System.Guid value) | |
setVOrder(int value) | Gets or sets the V order value of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setValue(double value) | Gets or sets the warp value of the placed layer in the PSD image. |
setVersion(int value) | Gets the version of the placed layer in the PSD file, usually 3. |
setVerticalMeshPointUnit(int value) | Gets or sets the measure unit of the vertical mesh points. |
setVerticalMeshPoints(double[] value) | Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file. |
setWarpClassID_internalized(ClassID value) | Gets or sets the class ID. |
setWarpClassName_internalized(String value) | Gets or sets the warp class name. |
setWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized(int value) | Gets or sets the warp descriptor version. |
setWarpVersion_internalized(int value) | Gets or sets the warp version. |
setWidth(double value) | Gets or sets the width. |
toString() | Returns a String that represents this instance. |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
public static final String AntiAliasPolicyKey_internalized
The anti alias policy key
public static final String BottomKey_internalized
The bottom key
public static final String BoundsKey_internalized
The bounds key
public static final String CompIdKey_internalized
The key name of the CompID
public static final String CompInfoKey_internalized
The comp information key name
public static final String CompKey_internalized
The comp key
public static final int CompNoneValue_internalized
The comp value that means ’none'
public static final String CropKey_internalized
The crop key
public static final String CustomEnvelopeWarpKey_internalized
The custom envelope warp name
public static final String DefaultWarpCladIdClassName_internalized
The default warp class name
public static final String DenominatorKey_internalized
The denominator key
public static final String DurationKey_internalized
The duration key
public static final String EmptyClassName_internalized
The default warp class name
public static final int ExpectedWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized
The expected warp descriptor version
public static final int ExpectedWarpVersion_internalized
The expected warp version
public static final String FrameCountKey_internalized
The frame count key
public static final String FrameStepKey_internalized
The frame step key
public static final String HeightKey_internalized
The height key
public static final String HorizontalIdName_internalized
The horizontal identifier name
public static final String IdentKey_internalized
The unique identifier key
public static final String ItemsPropertyCannotBeNull_internalized
The items property cannot be null
public static final String LeftKey_internalized
The left key
public static final String MeshPointsKeyName_internalized
The mesh points key name
public static final String NonAffineTransformKey_internalized
The non affine transform key
public static final String NullClassId_internalized
The null class identifier
public static final String NumeratorKey_internalized
The numerator key
public static final String[] OptionalKeys_internalized
The collection of optional keys
public static final String OrientationIdName_internalized
The orientation identifier name
public static final String OriginalCompIdKey_internalized
The key name of the original CompID
public static final String PageNumberKey_internalized
The page number key
public static final String PlacedIdKey_internalized
The placed identifier key
public static final int PlacedVersionValue_internalized
The expected version value
public static final int PsbHeaderVersion_internalized
The PSB header version
public static final int PsbResourceSignature
The PSB-specific resource signature.
public static final int PsdHeaderVersion_internalized
The PSD header version
public static final String RationalPointClassIdName_internalized
The rational point class identifier name
public static final String ResolutionKey_internalized
The resolution key
public static final int ResourceSignature
The common resource signature.
public static final String RightKey_internalized
The right key
public static final String SizeKey_internalized
The size key
public static final int SizeOfDouble_internalized
The size of double
public static final int SizeOfInt_internalized
The size of int
public static final int SmartVersionValue_internalized
The expected smart object resource version value.
public static final String TopKey_internalized
The top key
public static final String TotalPagesKey_internalized
The total pages key
public static final String TransformKey_internalized
The transform key
public static final int TransformValueCount_internalized
The transform value count
public static final String TypeKey_internalized
The type key
public static final String TypeValue_internalized
The expected type value.
public static final String UOrderKey_internalized
The u order key
public static final String VOrderKey_internalized
The v order key
public static final String VerticalIdName_internalized
The vertical identifier name
public static final String WarpCustomName_internalized
The warp custom name
public static final int WarpHeaderLength_internalized
The warp header length.
public static final int WarpHeaderLength_internalized
The warp header length.
public static final String WarpKey_internalized
The warp key. Also the default warp class name.
public static final String WarpNoneName_internalized
The warp none name
public static final String WarpPerspectiveKey_internalized
The warp perspective key
public static final String WarpPerspectiveOtherKey_internalized
The warp perspective other
public static final String WarpRotateKey_internalized
The warp rotate key
public static final String WarpStyleKey_internalized
The warp style key
public static final String WarpValueKey_internalized
The warp value key
public static final String WidthKey_internalized
The width key
public static final String YouCannotAccessCropPropertyMessage_internalized
You cannot access Crop property message
public static final String YouCannotSetCompIdPropertyMessage_internalized
You cannot set CompId property message
public static final String YouCannotSetCompPropertyMessage_internalized
You cannot set Comp property message
public static final String YouCannotSetOriginalCompIdPropertyMessage_internalized
You cannot set OriginalCompId property message
public static final char ZeroChar_internalized
The zero character.
public Object ventureLicense_internalized
The venture license.
assert_internalized(Object actualValue, Object expectedValue, String message)
public static void assert_internalized(Object actualValue, Object expectedValue, String message)
Asserts that the specified actual value equals to the expected value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
actualValue | java.lang.Object | The actual value. |
expectedValue | java.lang.Object | The expected value. |
message | java.lang.String | The message. |
checkAndSetIfResourceIsPsbSpecific_internalized(int key)
public final void checkAndSetIfResourceIsPsbSpecific_internalized(int key)
Checks the and set if resource is PSB specific. Some resources are not recognized for now, but we have full list of PSB specific resources which changes their behaviour on save. So we need to check this in UnknownResource at least
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | int | The key. |
convertListStructureToDoubleArray_internalized(ListStructure list)
public static double[] convertListStructureToDoubleArray_internalized(ListStructure list)
Converts the list structure to a double array.
Parameter | Type | Description |
list | ListStructure | The ListStructure instance. |
Returns: double[] - The created double[] array.
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
public int getAntiAliasPolicy()
Gets or sets the anti alias policy of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The anti alias policy of the smart object layer data.
Returns: int
public final double getBottom()
Gets or sets the bottom location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The bottom location of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public final Rectangle getBounds()
Gets or sets the bounds of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The placed layer bounds.
Returns: Rectangle
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public final int getComp()
Gets or sets the comp value of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The comp value, is -1 if none.
Returns: int
public final int getCompId()
Gets or sets the ID of the currently selected comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. Comps are compositions of a page layout which designers can create. Using layer comps, you can create, manage, and view multiple versions of a layout in a single Adobe\ufffd Photoshop\ufffd file. A layer comp is a snapshot of a state of the Layers panel. Layer comps save three types of layer options but this property gets the Layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The ID of the currently selected comp for the child document in the PSD image, which will be -1 if none are selected.
Returns: int
public final int getCrop()
Gets or sets the crop of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The crop value of placed layer information.
Returns: int
public final int getDefaultUnitType_internalized()
Gets or sets the default unit type for assigned values such as Left, Top, Right, Bottom, TransformMatrix.
Value: The default measure unit type.
Returns: int
public final int getDurationDenominator()
Gets or sets the duration denominator.
Value: The duration denominator.
Returns: int
public final int getDurationNumerator()
Gets or sets the duration numerator.
Value: The duration numerator.
Returns: int
public final int getFrameCount()
Gets or sets the frame count of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The frame count of placed layer information.
Returns: int
public final int getFrameStepDenominator()
Gets or sets the frame step denominator.
Value: The frame step denominator.
Returns: int
public final int getFrameStepNumerator()
Gets or sets the frame step numerator.
Value: The frame step numerator.
Returns: int
public final PsdHeader getHeader_internalized()
Gets or sets the header.
Value: The header.
Returns: com.aspose.internal.fileformats.psd.sections.PsdHeader
public final double getHeight()
Gets or sets the height.
Value: The height.
Returns: double
public final int getHorizontalMeshPointUnit()
Gets or sets the measure unit of the horizontal mesh points.
Value: The measure unit of the horizontal mesh points.
Returns: int
public final double[] getHorizontalMeshPoints()
Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The horizontal mesh points of the placed layer.
Returns: double[]
public OSTypeStructure[] getItems()
Gets or sets the descriptor items of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The descriptor items of placed layer information.
Returns: com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.OSTypeStructure[]
public final int getKey()
Gets the layer resource key.
Returns: int
public final double getLeft()
Gets or sets the left location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The left location of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public int getLength()
Gets the smart object resource length in bytes.
Returns: int
public final double[] getNonAffineTransformMatrix()
Gets or sets the non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer.
Returns: double[]
public final int getOriginalCompId()
Gets the original ID of the currently selected Comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. This property gets the original layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The original ID of the currently selected comp for the child document in the PSD image, which will be -1 if none are selected.
Returns: int
public int getPageNumber()
Gets or sets the page number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The page number of the smart object layer data.
Returns: int
public final double getPerspective()
Gets or sets the perspective value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The perspective value of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public final double getPerspectiveOther()
Gets or sets the perspective other value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The perspective other value of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public final UUID getPlacedId()
Gets or sets the unique identifier of this smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The unique identifier of this smart object layer resource.
Returns: java.util.UUID
public final System.Guid getPlacedId_internalized()
public int getPlacedLayerType()
Gets or sets the type of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The type of the smart object layer data.
Returns: int
getPrefixLength_internalized(int psdVersion)
public final int getPrefixLength_internalized(int psdVersion)
Gets the prefix length. Default value is 12 for 8BIM resources. and 16 for 8B64
Parameter | Type | Description |
psdVersion | int | The PSD version. |
Returns: int - The Prefix Length.
public final int getPsdVersion()
Gets the minimal psd version required for layer resource. 0 indicates no restrictions.
Returns: int
public final double getResolution()
Gets or sets the resolution of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The resolution of the smart object layer.
Returns: double
public final int getResolutionUnit()
Gets or sets the resolution measure unit of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The resolution measure unit of the smart object layer.
Returns: int
public final double getRight()
Gets or sets the right location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The right location of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public int getSignature()
Gets the layer resource signature.
Returns: int
public final double getTop()
Gets or sets the top location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The top location of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public int getTotalPages()
Gets or sets the total pages number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The total pages number of the smart object layer data.
Returns: int
public double[] getTransformMatrix()
Gets or sets the transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The transform matrix of the smart object layer data.
Returns: double[]
public final int getUOrder()
Gets or sets the U order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The U order value of the placed layer.
Returns: int
public UUID getUniqueId()
Gets or sets the global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource in the PSD image.
Value: The global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource.
Returns: java.util.UUID
public System.Guid getUniqueId_internalized()
public final int getVOrder()
Gets or sets the V order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The V order value of the placed layer.
Returns: int
public final double getValue()
Gets or sets the warp value of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The warp value of the placed layer.
Returns: double
public final int getVersion()
Gets the version of the placed layer in the PSD file, usually 3.
Value: The placed layer version.
Returns: int
public final int getVerticalMeshPointUnit()
Gets or sets the measure unit of the vertical mesh points.
Value: The measure unit of the vertical mesh points.
Returns: int
public final double[] getVerticalMeshPoints()
Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The horizontal mesh points of the placed layer.
Returns: double[]
public final ClassID getWarpClassID_internalized()
Gets or sets the class ID.
Value: The class ID.
Returns: ClassID
public final String getWarpClassName_internalized()
Gets or sets the warp class name.
Value: The warp class name.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final int getWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized()
Gets or sets the warp descriptor version.
Value: The warp descriptor version.
Returns: int
public OSTypeStructure[] getWarpItems_internalized()
The warp items.
Returns: com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.OSTypeStructure[]
public final int getWarpVersion_internalized()
Gets or sets the warp version.
Value: The warp version.
Returns: int
public final double getWidth()
Gets or sets the width.
Value: The width.
Returns: double
get_Item(String index)
public final OSTypeStructure get_Item(String index)
Gets the {@link ##Aspose#PSD#FileFormats#Psd#Layers#LayerResources} at the specified index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | java.lang.String | The key name. Value: The {@link ##Aspose#PSD#FileFormats#Psd#Layers#LayerResources}. |
Returns: OSTypeStructure - The found {@link ##Aspose#PSD#FileFormats#Psd#Layers#LayerResources} instance or null.
public final boolean hasBoundsUnits_internalized()
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has bounds units.
Value: true if this instance has bounds units; otherwise, false .
Returns: boolean
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
initProreties_internalized(PlaceResourceParams plLdResourceParams)
public final void initProreties_internalized(PlaceResourceParams plLdResourceParams)
Parameter | Type | Description |
plLdResourceParams | com.aspose.internal.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.smartobjectresources.PlaceResourceParams |
initializeBounds_internalized(Rectangle bounds)
public final void initializeBounds_internalized(Rectangle bounds)
Initializes the bounds and matrices.
Parameter | Type | Description |
bounds | Rectangle | The bounds. |
public void initializeItems_internalized()
public final boolean isCustom()
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance warp style is custom. If true it contains mesh points. If set to false it erases mesh points.
Value: true if the placed layer has custom style; otherwise, false .
Returns: boolean
isResourcePsbSpecificByKey_internalized(int key)
public static boolean isResourcePsbSpecificByKey_internalized(int key)
Determines whether the resource is PSB specific.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | int | The resource key. |
Returns: boolean - true if the resource is PSB specific; otherwise, false .
public final boolean isResourcePsbSpecific_internalized()
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is resource PSB specific.
Value: true if this instance is resource PSB specific; otherwise, false .
Returns: boolean
public final boolean isRotateOrientationHorizontal_internalized()
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance rotate orientation is horizontal.
Value: true if the rotate orientation is horizontal; otherwise, false .
Returns: boolean
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
save(StreamContainer streamContainer, int psdVersion)
public void save(StreamContainer streamContainer, int psdVersion)
Saves the smart object resource to the specified stream container.
Parameter | Type | Description |
streamContainer | StreamContainer | The stream container to save to. |
psdVersion | int | The PSD version. |
saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature)
public final void saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature)
Saves the custom resource header.
Parameter | Type | Description |
streamContainer | StreamContainer | The stream container. |
signature | int | The signature. |
saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature, boolean isLengthLong)
public final void saveCustomResourceHeader_internalized(StreamContainer streamContainer, int signature, boolean isLengthLong)
Saves the header signature, identifier and length.
Parameter | Type | Description |
streamContainer | StreamContainer | The stream container. |
signature | int | The signature. |
isLengthLong | boolean | if set to true length is long. |
setAntiAliasPolicy(int value)
public void setAntiAliasPolicy(int value)
Gets or sets the anti alias policy of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The anti alias policy of the smart object layer data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setBottom(double value)
public final void setBottom(double value)
Gets or sets the bottom location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The bottom location of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setBounds(Rectangle value)
public final void setBounds(Rectangle value)
Gets or sets the bounds of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The placed layer bounds.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Rectangle |
setComp(int value)
public final void setComp(int value)
Gets or sets the comp value of the smart object layer data in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The comp value, is -1 if none.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setCompId(int value)
public final void setCompId(int value)
Gets or sets the ID of the currently selected comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. Comps are compositions of a page layout which designers can create. Using layer comps, you can create, manage, and view multiple versions of a layout in a single Adobe\ufffd Photoshop\ufffd file. A layer comp is a snapshot of a state of the Layers panel. Layer comps save three types of layer options but this property gets the Layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The ID of the currently selected comp for the child document in the PSD image, which will be -1 if none are selected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setCrop(int value)
public final void setCrop(int value)
Gets or sets the crop of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The crop value of placed layer information.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setCustom(boolean value)
public final void setCustom(boolean value)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance warp style is custom. If true it contains mesh points. If set to false it erases mesh points.
Value: true if the placed layer has custom style; otherwise, false .
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setDefaultUnitType_internalized(int value)
public final void setDefaultUnitType_internalized(int value)
Gets or sets the default unit type for assigned values such as Left, Top, Right, Bottom, TransformMatrix.
Value: The default measure unit type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setDurationDenominator(int value)
public final void setDurationDenominator(int value)
Gets or sets the duration denominator.
Value: The duration denominator.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setDurationNumerator(int value)
public final void setDurationNumerator(int value)
Gets or sets the duration numerator.
Value: The duration numerator.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setFrameCount(int value)
public final void setFrameCount(int value)
Gets or sets the frame count of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The frame count of placed layer information.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setFrameStepDenominator(int value)
public final void setFrameStepDenominator(int value)
Gets or sets the frame step denominator.
Value: The frame step denominator.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setFrameStepNumerator(int value)
public final void setFrameStepNumerator(int value)
Gets or sets the frame step numerator.
Value: The frame step numerator.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHeader_internalized(PsdHeader value)
public final void setHeader_internalized(PsdHeader value)
Gets or sets the header.
Value: The header.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | com.aspose.internal.fileformats.psd.sections.PsdHeader |
setHeight(double value)
public final void setHeight(double value)
Gets or sets the height.
Value: The height.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setHorizontalMeshPointUnit(int value)
public final void setHorizontalMeshPointUnit(int value)
Gets or sets the measure unit of the horizontal mesh points.
Value: The measure unit of the horizontal mesh points.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHorizontalMeshPoints(double[] value)
public final void setHorizontalMeshPoints(double[] value)
Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The horizontal mesh points of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double[] |
setItems(OSTypeStructure[] value)
public void setItems(OSTypeStructure[] value)
Gets or sets the descriptor items of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The descriptor items of placed layer information.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | OSTypeStructure[] |
setLeft(double value)
public final void setLeft(double value)
Gets or sets the left location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The left location of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setNonAffineTransformMatrix(double[] value)
public final void setNonAffineTransformMatrix(double[] value)
Gets or sets the non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double[] |
setOriginalCompId_internalized(int value)
public final void setOriginalCompId_internalized(int value)
Gets the original ID of the currently selected Comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected. This property gets the original layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file. Layer comps in Smart Objects
Value: The original ID of the currently selected comp for the child document in the PSD image, which will be -1 if none are selected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setPageNumber(int value)
public void setPageNumber(int value)
Gets or sets the page number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The page number of the smart object layer data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setPerspective(double value)
public final void setPerspective(double value)
Gets or sets the perspective value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The perspective value of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setPerspectiveOther(double value)
public final void setPerspectiveOther(double value)
Gets or sets the perspective other value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The perspective other value of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setPlacedId(UUID value)
public final void setPlacedId(UUID value)
Gets or sets the unique identifier of this smart object layer data in the PSD image.
Value: The unique identifier of this smart object layer resource.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.UUID |
setPlacedId_internalized(System.Guid value)
public final void setPlacedId_internalized(System.Guid value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | |
setPlacedLayerType(int value)
public void setPlacedLayerType(int value)
Gets or sets the type of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The type of the smart object layer data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setResolution(double value)
public final void setResolution(double value)
Gets or sets the resolution of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The resolution of the smart object layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setResolutionUnit(int value)
public final void setResolutionUnit(int value)
Gets or sets the resolution measure unit of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The resolution measure unit of the smart object layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setRight(double value)
public final void setRight(double value)
Gets or sets the right location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The right location of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setRotateOrientationHorizontal_internalized(boolean value)
public final void setRotateOrientationHorizontal_internalized(boolean value)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance rotate orientation is horizontal.
Value: true if the rotate orientation is horizontal; otherwise, false .
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setTop(double value)
public final void setTop(double value)
Gets or sets the top location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The top location of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setTotalPages(int value)
public void setTotalPages(int value)
Gets or sets the total pages number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The total pages number of the smart object layer data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setTransformMatrix(double[] value)
public void setTransformMatrix(double[] value)
Gets or sets the transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Value: The transform matrix of the smart object layer data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double[] |
setUOrder(int value)
public final void setUOrder(int value)
Gets or sets the U order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The U order value of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setUniqueId(UUID value)
public void setUniqueId(UUID value)
Gets or sets the global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource in the PSD image.
Value: The global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.UUID |
setUniqueId_internalized(System.Guid value)
public void setUniqueId_internalized(System.Guid value)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | |
setVOrder(int value)
public final void setVOrder(int value)
Gets or sets the V order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The V order value of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setValue(double value)
public final void setValue(double value)
Gets or sets the warp value of the placed layer in the PSD image.
Value: The warp value of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setVersion(int value)
public final void setVersion(int value)
Gets the version of the placed layer in the PSD file, usually 3.
Value: The placed layer version.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setVerticalMeshPointUnit(int value)
public final void setVerticalMeshPointUnit(int value)
Gets or sets the measure unit of the vertical mesh points.
Value: The measure unit of the vertical mesh points.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setVerticalMeshPoints(double[] value)
public final void setVerticalMeshPoints(double[] value)
Gets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
Value: The horizontal mesh points of the placed layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double[] |
setWarpClassID_internalized(ClassID value)
public final void setWarpClassID_internalized(ClassID value)
Gets or sets the class ID.
Value: The class ID.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | ClassID |
setWarpClassName_internalized(String value)
public final void setWarpClassName_internalized(String value)
Gets or sets the warp class name.
Value: The warp class name.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized(int value)
public final void setWarpDescriptorVersion_internalized(int value)
Gets or sets the warp descriptor version.
Value: The warp descriptor version.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setWarpVersion_internalized(int value)
public final void setWarpVersion_internalized(int value)
Gets or sets the warp version.
Value: The warp version.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setWidth(double value)
public final void setWidth(double value)
Gets or sets the width.
Value: The width.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
public String toString()
Returns a String that represents this instance.
Returns: java.lang.String - A String that represents this instance.
public final void wait()
wait(long arg0)
public final void wait(long arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long | |
arg1 | int |