
ISmartFilterRenderer.Render method

Renders the current smart filter on the pixels data.

public PixelsData Render(PixelsData pixelsData)
pixelsDataPixelsDataThe pixels data.

Return Value

Returns processed pixels data.


The following code shows you how to create a custom smart filter that has a custom renderer.


public void CustomSmartFilterExample(string sourceFile = "psdnet1057.psd", string outputPsd = "out_psdnet1057.psd", string outputPng = "out_psdnet1057.png")
    // Inits the unsupported 'Crystallize' smart filter at input array
    SmartFilter[] InitUnknownSmartFilters(SmartFilter[] smartFilters)
        // the 'Crystallize' smart filter ID.
        int id = 1131574132;

        for (int i = 0; i < smartFilters.Length; i++)
            var smartFilter = smartFilters[i];
            if (smartFilter is UnknownSmartFilter && smartFilter.FilterId == id)
                var customSmartFilterInstance = new CustomSmartFilterWithRenderer();
                customSmartFilterInstance.SourceDescriptor.Structures = smartFilter.SourceDescriptor.Structures;
                smartFilters[i] = customSmartFilterInstance;

        return smartFilters;

    using (var image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))
        SmartObjectLayer smartLayer = (SmartObjectLayer) image.Layers[1];
        Layer maskLayer = image.Layers[2];
        Layer regularLayer = image.Layers[3];

        smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters = InitUnknownSmartFilters(smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters);
        var smartFilter = smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters[0];

        // Apply filter to SmartObject

        // Apply filter to layer mask

        //Apply filter to layer

        image.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions());

public sealed class CustomSmartFilterWithRenderer : SmartFilter, ISmartFilterRenderer
    public override string Name
        get { return "Custom 'Crystallize' smart filter\0"; }

    public override int FilterId
        // the 'Crystallize' smart filter ID.
        get { return 1131574132; }

    public PixelsData Render(PixelsData pixelsData)
        // get filter structure
        var filterDescriptor = (DescriptorStructure) this.SourceDescriptor.Structures[6];
        // get value of Crystallize Size
        var valueStructure = (IntegerStructure) filterDescriptor.Structures[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < pixelsData.Pixels.Length; i++)
            if (i % valueStructure.Value == 0)
                pixelsData.Pixels[i] = 0;

        return pixelsData;

See Also