
WarpSettings.Rotate property

Gets or sets rotate value

public WarpRotates Rotate { get; set; }


The following code demonstrates how to manipulate WarpSettings to do warp transformation on SmartObjectLayer and TexLayer.


string sourceFile = "smart_without_warp.psd";

var opt = new PsdLoadOptions()
    LoadEffectsResource = true,
    AllowWarpRepaint = true

string[] outputImageFile = new string[4];
string[] outputPsdFile = new string[4];

for (int caseIndex = 0; caseIndex < outputImageFile.Length; caseIndex++)
    outputImageFile[caseIndex] = "export_" + caseIndex + ".png";
    outputPsdFile[caseIndex] = "export_" + caseIndex + ".psd";

    using (PsdImage img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile, opt))
        foreach (Layer layer in img.Layers)
            if (layer is SmartObjectLayer)
                var smartLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)layer;
                smartLayer.WarpSettings = GetWarpSettingsByIndex(smartLayer.WarpSettings, caseIndex);

            if (layer is TextLayer)
                var textLayer = (TextLayer)layer;

                if (caseIndex != 3)
                    textLayer.WarpSettings = GetWarpSettingsByIndex(textLayer.WarpSettings, caseIndex);

        img.Save(outputPsdFile[caseIndex], new PsdOptions());

    using (PsdImage img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputPsdFile[caseIndex], opt))
            new PngOptions() { CompressionLevel = 9, ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

WarpSettings GetWarpSettingsByIndex(WarpSettings warpParams, int caseIndex)
    switch (caseIndex)
        case 0:
            warpParams.Style = WarpStyles.Rise;
            warpParams.Rotate = WarpRotates.Horizontal;
            warpParams.Value = 20;
        case 1:
            warpParams.Style = WarpStyles.Rise;
            warpParams.Rotate = WarpRotates.Vertical;
            warpParams.Value = 10;
        case 2:
            warpParams.Style = WarpStyles.Flag;
            warpParams.Rotate = WarpRotates.Horizontal;
            warpParams.Value = 30;
        case 3:
            warpParams.Style = WarpStyles.Custom;
            warpParams.MeshPoints[2].Y += 70;

    return warpParams;

See Also