Class WorkingPathResource

WorkingPathResource class

Working path resource.

public sealed class WorkingPathResource : ResourceBlock, IVectorPathData


WorkingPathResource(byte[])Initializes a new instance of the WorkingPathResource class.


override DataSize { get; }Gets the resource data size in bytes.
ID { get; set; }Gets or sets the unique identifier for the resource.
IsDisabled { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is disabled.
IsInverted { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is inverted.
IsNotLinked { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is not linked.
override MinimalVersion { get; }Gets the minimal required PSD version.
Name { get; set; }Gets or sets the resource name. Pascal string, padded to make the size even (a null name consists of two bytes of 0).
Paths { get; set; }Gets or sets the path records.
Signature { get; }Gets the resource signature. Should be always ‘8BIM’.
Size { get; }Gets the resource block size in bytes including its data.
Version { get; set; }Gets or sets the version.


Save(StreamContainer)Saves the resource block to the specified stream.
virtual ValidateValues()Validates the resource values.


This example demonstrates the support of ‘WorkingPathResource’ resource in PsdImage.ImageResources fo correct working of Crop operation.


// Crop image and save.
using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    // Search WorkingPathResource resource.
    ResourceBlock[] imageResources = psdImage.ImageResources;
    WorkingPathResource workingPathResource = null;
    foreach (var imageResource in imageResources)
        if (imageResource is WorkingPathResource)
            workingPathResource = (WorkingPathResource)imageResource;
    BezierKnotRecord record = workingPathResource.Paths[3] as BezierKnotRecord;

    if (record.Points[0].X != 2572506 || record.Points[0].Y != 8535408)
        throw new Exception("Values is incorrect.");

    // Crop and save.
    psdImage.Crop(0, 500, 0, 200);

// Load saved image and check the changes.
using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFile))
    // Search WorkingPathResource resource.
    ResourceBlock[] imageResources = psdImage.ImageResources;
    WorkingPathResource workingPathResource = null;
    foreach (var imageResource in imageResources)
        if (imageResource is WorkingPathResource)
            workingPathResource = (WorkingPathResource)imageResource;
    BezierKnotRecord record = workingPathResource.Paths[3] as BezierKnotRecord;

    if (record.Points[0].X != 4630510 || record.Points[0].Y != 22761088)
        throw new Exception("Values is incorrect.");

See Also