
PsdImage.AddShapeLayer method

Add empty Shape layer. Without paths. They should be added to shape layer before save.

public ShapeLayer AddShapeLayer()

Return Value

ShapeLayer instance.


The following code demonstrates how to add ShapeLayer.


string outputFile = "AddShapeLayer_output.psd";

const int ImgToPsdRatio = 256 * 65535;

using (PsdImage newPsd = new PsdImage(600, 400))
    ShapeLayer layer = newPsd.AddShapeLayer();

    var newShape = GenerateNewShape(newPsd.Size);
    List<IPathShape> newShapes = new List<IPathShape>();



using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFile))
    AssertAreEqual(2, image.Layers.Length);

    ShapeLayer shapeLayer = image.Layers[1] as ShapeLayer;
    ColorFillSettings internalFill = shapeLayer.Fill as ColorFillSettings;
    IStrokeSettings strokeSettings = shapeLayer.Stroke;
    ColorFillSettings strokeFill = shapeLayer.Stroke.Fill as ColorFillSettings;

    AssertAreEqual(1, shapeLayer.Path.GetItems().Length); // 1 Shape
    AssertAreEqual(3, shapeLayer.Path.GetItems()[0].GetItems().Length); // 3 knots in a shape

    AssertAreEqual(-16127182, internalFill.Color.ToArgb()); // ff09eb32

    AssertAreEqual(7.41, strokeSettings.Size);
    AssertAreEqual(false, strokeSettings.Enabled);
    AssertAreEqual(StrokePosition.Center, strokeSettings.LineAlignment);
    AssertAreEqual(LineCapType.ButtCap, strokeSettings.LineCap);
    AssertAreEqual(LineJoinType.MiterJoin, strokeSettings.LineJoin);
    AssertAreEqual(-16777216, strokeFill.Color.ToArgb()); // ff000000

PathShape GenerateNewShape(Size imageSize)
    var newShape = new PathShape();

    PointF point1 = new PointF(20, 100);
    PointF point2 = new PointF(200, 100);
    PointF point3 = new PointF(300, 10);

    BezierKnotRecord[] bezierKnots = new BezierKnotRecord[]
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
         new BezierKnotRecord()
             IsLinked = true,
             Points = new Point[3]
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
                          PointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),


    return newShape;

Point PointFToResourcePoint(PointF point, Size imageSize)
    return new Point(
        (int)Math.Round(point.Y * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.Height)),
        (int)Math.Round(point.X * (ImgToPsdRatio / imageSize.Width)));

void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");

See Also