
XmpBasicPackage indexer

Gets or sets the Object with the specified key.

public override object this[string key] { get; set; }
keyThe key that identifies value.

Return Value

Returns the Object with the specified key.

Property Value

The Object.


The following code demonstrates the using UpdateMetadata option to update CreatorTool value in xmp data.


string path = "output.psd";

using (var image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
    // If you want the creator tool to change, make sure that the "UpdateMetadata" property is set to true. It's set to true by default.
    var psdOptions = new PsdOptions();
    psdOptions.UpdateMetadata = true;

    // Saving the image. 
    image.Save(path, psdOptions);

    // Checking creator tool in code.
    var xmpData = image.XmpData;
    var basicPackage = image.XmpData.GetPackage(Namespaces.XmpBasic);

    // Here will be updated creator tool info.
    var currentCreatorTool = (string)basicPackage[":CreatorTool"];

See Also