ColorComponent Class

Summary: Color component is an abstraction over Channel Value and Channel Value.
Any color is composed from an array of ColorComponent

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.core.rawcolor

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.core.rawcolor.ColorComponent

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.4.0


ColorComponent(bit_depth, full_name)Initializes a new instance of the ColorComponent class.
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bit_depthbyterGets the bit depth of Color Component/Channel
descriptionstringrGets the description of Color Component
full_namestringrGets the full name of color component with name and space-separated description
namestringrGets the name of color component.
permitted_full_names [static]stringrGets the permitted full names.
valueulongr/wGets or sets the value.
Please note, if you try to set value that is more than
possible stored in current bit depth, you’ll get an exception

Constructor: ColorComponent(bit_depth, full_name)

 ColorComponent(bit_depth, full_name) 

Initializes a new instance of the ColorComponent class.
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bit_depthbyteThe bit depth.
full_namestringThe full name.