FrameDisposalMethod Enumeration

The frame disposal method specifies whether to discard the current frame before displaying the next frame.
You select a disposal method for animations that include background transparency to specify whether the current
frame will be visible through the transparent areas of the next frame.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.animation

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.animation.FrameDisposalMethod

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


Member nameDescription
AUTOMATICDetermines a disposal method for the current frame automatically, discarding the current frame if the next frame contains layer transparency.
For most animations, the Automatic option (default) yields the desired results.
DISPOSEDiscards the current frame from the display before the next frame is displayed.
Only a single frame is displayed at any time (and the current frame does not appear through the transparent areas of the next frame).
DO_NOT_DISPOSEPreserves the current frame as the next frame is added to the display.
The current frame (and preceding frames) may show through transparent areas of the next frame.