VstkResource Class

Summary: Resource class VstkResource. Contains information about Vector Stroke Data.
Resource should be initialized either by AssginItems method from ResourceLoader,
either by assigning values to properties of the class.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.strokeresources

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.strokeresources.VstkResource

Inheritance: LayerResource

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.4.0


VstkResource()Initializes a new instance of the VstkResource class


PSB_RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe PSB-specific resource signature.
RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe common resource signature.
TYPE_TOOL_KEY [static]intrThe type tool info key.
fill_enabledboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether Stroke fill enabled.
fill_settingsIFillSettingsr/wGets or sets Fill settings of the Stroke.
keyintrGets the layer resource key.
lengthintrGets the layer resource length in bytes.
psd_versionintrGets the psd version.
signatureintrGets the signature.
stroke_enabledboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether stroke effect enabled.
stroke_style_blend_modeBlendModer/wGets or sets Stroke Blend mode.
stroke_style_contentDescriptorStructurer/wGets or sets Stroke entity. Property determines fill settings of the stroke.
stroke_style_line_alignmentStrokePositionr/wGets or sets Stroke style line alignment.
stroke_style_line_cap_typeLineCapTyper/wGets or sets the type of the stroke style line cap.
stroke_style_line_cap_widthdoubler/wGets or sets Stroke line cap width.
stroke_style_line_dash_offsetintr/wGets or sets the stroke style line dash offset.
stroke_style_line_dash_setdoubler/wGets or sets array of line dashes.
stroke_style_line_join_typeLineJoinTyper/wGets or sets Stroke style line join type.
stroke_style_line_widthdoubler/wGets or sets Stroke line width.
stroke_style_miter_limitdoubler/wGets or sets the stroke style miter limit.
stroke_style_opacityintr/wGets or sets Stroke stryle opacity (0-100%).
stroke_style_resolutiondoubler/wGets or sets Stroke style resolution.
stroke_style_scale_lockboolr/wGets or sets Stroke style scale lock.
stroke_style_stroke_adjustboolr/wGets or sets Stroke adjust.
stroke_style_versionintr/wGets or sets the stroke style version.


save(stream_container, psd_version)Saves the resource to the specified stream container.

Constructor: VstkResource()


Initializes a new instance of the VstkResource class

Method: save(stream_container, psd_version)

 save(stream_container, psd_version) 

Saves the resource to the specified stream container.


stream_containerStreamContainerThe stream container to save to.
psd_versionintThe PSD version.