BlwhResource Class

Summary: BlwhResource class is a resource of Black and White Adjustment Layer.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.BlwhResource

Inheritance: AdjustmentLayerResource

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


BlwhResource()Initializes a new instance of the BlwhResource class


PSB_RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe PSB-specific resource signature.
RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe common resource signature.
TYPE_TOOL_KEY [static]intrThe type tool info key.
black_and_white_preset_file_namestringr/wGets or sets the black and white preset file name.
bluesintr/wGets or sets the blues value.
bw_preset_kindintr/wGets or sets the black and white preset kind value.
cyansintr/wGets or sets the cyans value.
greensintr/wGets or sets the greens value.
keyintrGets the layer resource key.
lengthintrGets the layer resource length in bytes.
magentasintr/wGets or sets the magentas value.
psd_versionintrGets the minimal psd version required for layer resource. 0 indicates no restrictions.
redsintr/wGets or sets the reds value.
signatureintrGets the signature.
tint_colorintr/wGets or sets the Tint Color ARGB value.
use_tintboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether [tint color] is used.
yellowsintr/wGets or sets the yellows value.


save(stream_container, psd_version)Saves the resource to the specified stream container.

Constructor: BlwhResource()


Initializes a new instance of the BlwhResource class

Method: save(stream_container, psd_version)

 save(stream_container, psd_version) 

Saves the resource to the specified stream container.


stream_containerStreamContainerThe stream container to save to.
psd_versionintThe PSD version.