SoLeResource Class

Summary: Defines the SoLeResource class that contains information about a smart object layer in a PSD file.
Is is used to support smart object layers with external file links in the Adobe� Photoshop� images.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.layerresources.SoLeResource

Inheritance: IPlacedLayerResource, ISmartObjectLayerResource, SmartObjectResource

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


SoLeResource()Initializes a new instance of the SoLeResource class.
SoLeResource(unique_id, is_custom, has_comp_info)Initializes a new instance of the SoLeResource class.


PSB_RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe PSB-specific resource signature.
RESOURCE_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe common resource signature.
TYPE_TOOL_KEY [static]intrThe type tool info key: ‘SoLE’.
anti_alias_policyintr/wGets or sets the anti alias policy of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
bottomdoubler/wGets or sets the bottom location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
boundsRectangler/wGets or sets the bounds of the placed layer in the PSD file.
compintr/wGets or sets the comp value of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
Layer comps in Smart Objects
comp_idintr/wGets or sets the ID of the currently selected comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected.
Comps are compositions of a page layout which designers can create. Using layer comps, you can create, manage, and view multiple versions
of a layout in a single Adobe� Photoshop� file. A layer comp is a snapshot of a state of the Layers panel. Layer comps save three types of layer options but
this property gets the Layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file.
Layer comps in Smart Objects
cropintr/wGets or sets the crop of the smart object layer data in the PSD image.
duration_denominatorintr/wGets or sets the duration denominator.
duration_numeratorintr/wGets or sets the duration numerator.
frame_countintr/wGets or sets the frame count of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
frame_step_denominatorintr/wGets or sets the frame step denominator.
frame_step_numeratorintr/wGets or sets the frame step numerator.
heightdoubler/wGets or sets the height.
horizontal_mesh_point_unitUnitTypesr/wGets or sets the measure unit of the horizontal mesh points.
horizontal_mesh_pointsdoubler/wGets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
is_customboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance warp style is custom.
If true it contains mesh points. If set to false it erases mesh points.
itemsOSTypeStructure[]r/wGets or sets the descriptor items of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
keyintrGets the layer resource key.
leftdoubler/wGets or sets the left location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
lengthintrGets the smart object resource length in bytes.
non_affine_transform_matrixdoubler/wGets or sets the non affine transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
original_comp_idintrGets the original ID of the currently selected Comp for the child document, which will be -1 if none are selected.
This property gets the original layer Comp selection identifier for he smart object layer in the PSD file.
Layer comps in Smart Objects
page_numberintr/wGets or sets the page number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
perspectivedoubler/wGets or sets the perspective value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
perspective_otherdoubler/wGets or sets the perspective other value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
placed_idGuidr/wGets or sets the unique identifier of this smart object layer data in the PSD image.
placed_layer_typePlacedLayerTyper/wGets or sets the type of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
psd_versionintrGets the minimal psd version required for layer resource. 0 indicates no restrictions.
resolutiondoubler/wGets or sets the resolution of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
resolution_unitUnitTypesr/wGets or sets the resolution measure unit of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
rightdoubler/wGets or sets the right location of the placed layer in the PSD file.
signatureintrGets the signature.
topdoubler/wGets or sets the top location of the placed layer in the PSD image.
total_pagesintr/wGets or sets the total pages number of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
transform_matrixdoubler/wGets or sets the transform matrix of the smart object layer data in the PSD file.
u_orderintr/wGets or sets the U order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
unique_idGuidr/wGets or sets the global unique identifier of the smart object layer data SmartObjectResource in the PSD image.
v_orderintr/wGets or sets the V order value of the placed layer in the PSD file.
valuedoubler/wGets or sets the warp value of the placed layer in the PSD image.
versionintrGets the version of the placed layer in the PSD file, usually 3-5.
vertical_mesh_point_unitUnitTypesr/wGets or sets the measure unit of the vertical mesh points.
vertical_mesh_pointsdoubler/wGets or sets the horizontal mesh points of the placed layer in the PSD file.
widthdoubler/wGets or sets the width.


save(stream_container, psd_version)Saves the smart object resource to the specified stream container.

Constructor: SoLeResource()


Initializes a new instance of the SoLeResource class.

Constructor: SoLeResource(unique_id, is_custom, has_comp_info)

 SoLeResource(unique_id, is_custom, has_comp_info) 

Initializes a new instance of the SoLeResource class.


unique_idGuidThe unique identifier of the placed layer data PlLdResource.
is_customboolif set to true [is custom].
has_comp_infoboolif set to true [has comp information].

Method: save(stream_container, psd_version)

 save(stream_container, psd_version) 

Saves the smart object resource to the specified stream container.


stream_containerStreamContainerThe stream container to save to.
psd_versionintThe PSD version.