UnknownResource Class

Summary: The unknown resource. When a resource block is not recognized then this resource block is created.

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.resources.UnknownResource

Inheritance: ResourceBlock

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


RESOUCE_BLOCK_ME_SA_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe resource signature of ImageReady.
RESOUCE_BLOCK_SIGNATURE [static]intrThe regular Photoshop resource signature.
databyterGets the resource data.
data_sizeintrGets the resource data size in bytes.
idshortr/wGets or sets the unique identifier for the resource.
minimal_versionintrGets the minimal required psd version.
namestringr/wGets or sets the resource name. Pascal string, padded to make the size even (a null name consists of two bytes of 0).
signatureintrGets the resource signature. Should be always ‘8BIM’.
sizeintrGets the resource block size in bytes including its data.


save(stream)Saves the resource block to the specified stream.
validate_values()Validates the resource values.

Method: save(stream)


Saves the resource block to the specified stream.


streamStreamContainerThe stream to save the resource block to.