RawDataSettings Class

Summary: The raw data settings

Module: aspose.psd

Full Name: aspose.psd.RawDataSettings

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.12.0


RawDataSettings()Initializes a new instance of the RawDataSettings class


color_paletteIColorPaletter/wGets or sets the color palette
custom_color_converterIColorConverterr/wGets or sets the custom color converter
dithering_methodDitheringMethodsr/wGets or sets the dithering method to use for raw data conversion
fallback_indexintr/wGets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds
indexed_color_converterIIndexedColorConverterr/wGets or sets the indexed color converter
line_sizeintr/wGets or sets the pixels line size in bytes for raw data processing
pixel_data_formatPixelDataFormatr/wGets or sets the pixel data format

Constructor: RawDataSettings()


Initializes a new instance of the RawDataSettings class