Aspose::Pub::ParagraphStyle class

ParagraphStyle class

This class describes style of PUB paragraph.

class ParagraphStyle : public Aspose::Pub::BaseStyle


get_Align() constAlignment type.
get_BottomIndent() constBottom indent.
get_DefaultStyleIndex() constIndex of default text style in Document.DefaultTextStyles array.
get_FirstLineIndent() constFirst line indent.
get_IsList() constIs list paragraph.
get_IsOrderedList() constIs paragraph ordered list.
get_LeftIndent() constLeft indent.
get_LineSpacingType() constType of line spacing.
get_LineSpacingValue() constValue of line spacing.
get_RightIndent() constRight indent.
get_TopIndent() constTop indent value.
get_UnorderedListChar() constCharacter for unordered list in paragraph, if paragraph is an unordered list.
SetAlignmentType(AlignmentType)Sets alignment type.
SetBottomIndent(int32_t)Sets bottom indent.
SetDefaultStyleIndex(int32_t)Sets index for default text style in Document.DefaultTextStyles array.
SetFirstLineIndent(int32_t)Sets first line indent.
SetIsList(bool)Sets is paragraph list.
SetIsOrderedList(bool)Sets whether paragraph is ordered list.
SetLeftIndent(int32_t)Sets left indent.
SetLineSpacingType(Aspose::Pub::LineSpacingType)Sets type of line spacing.
SetLineSpacingValue(double)Sets value of line spacing.
SetRightIndent(int32_t)Sets right indent.
SetTopIndent(int32_t)Sets top indent.
SetUnorderedListChar(char16_t)Sets character for unordered list in paragraph.

See Also