System::Net::Http::HttpClientHandler class

HttpClientHandler class

Represents the default message handler used by the HttpClient class. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class HttpClientHandler : public System::Net::Http::HttpMessageHandler


Dispose() overrideDoes nothing.
get_CookieContainer()Gets the cookie container that is used to store server cookies.
get_Credentials()Gets the authentication information.
HttpClientHandler()RTTI information.
Send(System::SharedPtr<HttpRequestMessage>) overrideRTTI information.
set_CookieContainer(System::SharedPtr<System::Net::CookieContainer>)Sets the cookie container that is used to store server cookies.
set_Credentials(System::SharedPtr<ICredentials>)Sets the authentication information.
set_Proxy(System::SharedPtr<IWebProxy>)Sets the proxy information.
set_Timeout(int32_t)Gets an amount of time in milliseconds after which the request will be timed out.
set_UseCookies(bool)Sets the value that indicates if the current instance uses the cookie container to store server cookies and if the instance uses server cookies when sending requests.
set_UseProxy(bool)Sets the value that indicates if the current instance uses the proxy for sending requests.

See Also