System::Xml::Schema::XmlTypeCode enum

XmlTypeCode enum

Represents the W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schema types.

enum class XmlTypeCode


None0No type information.
Item1An item such as a node or atomic value.
Node2This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Document3This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Element4This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Attribute5This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Namespace6This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ProcessingInstruction7This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Comment8This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Text9This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
AnyAtomicType10Any atomic value of a union.
UntypedAtomic11An untyped atomic value.
String12A W3C XML Schemaxs:string type.
Boolean13A W3C XML Schemaxs:boolean type.
Decimal14A W3C XML Schemaxs:decimal type.
Float15A W3C XML Schemaxs:float type.
Double16A W3C XML Schemaxs:double type.
Duration17A W3C XML Schemaxs:Duration type.
DateTime18A W3C XML Schemaxs:dateTime type.
Time19A W3C XML Schemaxs:time type.
Date20A W3C XML Schemaxs:date type.
GYearMonth21A W3C XML Schemaxs:gYearMonth type.
GYear22A W3C XML Schemaxs:gYear type.
GMonthDay23A W3C XML Schemaxs:gMonthDay type.
GDay24A W3C XML Schemaxs:gDay type.
GMonth25A W3C XML Schemaxs:gMonth type.
HexBinary26A W3C XML Schemaxs:hexBinary type.
Base64Binary27A W3C XML Schemaxs:base64Binary type.
AnyUri28A W3C XML Schemaxs:anyURI type.
QName29A W3C XML Schemaxs:QName type.
Notation30A W3C XML Schemaxs:NOTATION type.
NormalizedString31A W3C XML Schemaxs:normalizedString type.
Token32A W3C XML Schemaxs:token type.
Language33A W3C XML Schemaxs:language type.
NmToken34A W3C XML Schemaxs:NMTOKEN type.
Name35A W3C XML Schemaxs:Name type.
NCName36A W3C XML Schemaxs:NCName type.
Id37A W3C XML Schemaxs:ID type.
Idref38A W3C XML Schemaxs:IDREF type.
Entity39A W3C XML Schemaxs:ENTITY type.
Integer40A W3C XML Schemaxs:integer type.
NonPositiveInteger41A W3C XML Schemaxs:nonPositiveInteger type.
NegativeInteger42A W3C XML Schemaxs:negativeInteger type.
Long43A W3C XML Schemaxs:long type.
Int44A W3C XML Schemaxs:int type.
Short45A W3C XML Schemaxs:short type.
Byte46A W3C XML Schemaxs:byte type.
NonNegativeInteger47A W3C XML Schemaxs:nonNegativeInteger type.
UnsignedLong48A W3C XML Schemaxs:unsignedLong type.
UnsignedInt49A W3C XML Schemaxs:unsignedInt type.
UnsignedShort50A W3C XML Schemaxs:unsignedShort type.
UnsignedByte51A W3C XML Schemaxs:unsignedByte type.
PositiveInteger52A W3C XML Schemaxs:positiveInteger type.
YearMonthDuration53This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
DayTimeDuration54This value is used for internal purposes and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

See Also