System::Xml::XPath::XPathItem::ValueAs method

XPathItem::ValueAs(const TypeInfo&) method

Returns the item’s value as the specified type.

virtual SharedPtr<Object> System::Xml::XPath::XPathItem::ValueAs(const TypeInfo &returnType)
returnTypeconst TypeInfo&The type to return the item value as.


The value of the item as the type requested.

See Also

XPathItem::ValueAs(const TypeInfo&, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>) method

When overridden in a derived class, returns the item’s value as the type specified using the IXmlNamespaceResolver object specified to resolve namespace prefixes.

virtual SharedPtr<Object> System::Xml::XPath::XPathItem::ValueAs(const TypeInfo &returnType, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver> nsResolver)=0
returnTypeconst TypeInfo&The type to return the item’s value as.
nsResolverSharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>The IXmlNamespaceResolver object used to resolve namespace prefixes.


The value of the item as the type requested.

See Also