System::Xml::XmlReaderSettings class

XmlReaderSettings class

Specifies a set of features to support on the XmlReader object created by the XmlReader::Create method.

class XmlReaderSettings : public System::Object


CheckReadOnly(const String&)
Clone()Creates a copy of the XmlReaderSettings instance.
get_CheckCharacters()Returns a value indicating whether to do character checking.
get_CloseInput()Returns a value indicating whether the underlying stream or TextReader should be closed when the reader is closed.
get_ConformanceLevel()Returns the level of conformance which the XmlReader will comply.
get_DtdProcessing()Returns a value that determines the processing of DTDs.
get_IgnoreComments()Returns a value indicating whether to ignore comments.
get_IgnoreProcessingInstructions()Returns a value indicating whether to ignore processing instructions.
get_IgnoreWhitespace()Returns a value indicating whether to ignore insignificant white space.
get_LineNumberOffset()Returns line number offset of the XmlReader object.
get_LinePositionOffset()Returns line position offset of the XmlReader object.
get_MaxCharactersFromEntities()Returns a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in a document that result from expanding entities.
get_MaxCharactersInDocument()Returns a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in an XML document. A zero (0) value means no limits on the size of the XML document. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size, in characters.
get_NameTable()Returns the XmlNameTable used for atomized string comparisons.
get_ProhibitDtd()Returns a value indicating whether to prohibit document type definition (DTD) processing.
get_Schemas()Returns the XmlSchemaSet to use when performing schema validation.
get_ValidationFlags()Returns a value indicating the schema validation settings. This setting applies to XmlReader objects that validate schemas (XmlReaderSettings::get_ValidationType value is ValidationType::Schema).
get_ValidationType()Returns a value indicating whether the XmlReader will perform validation or type assignment when reading.
Reset()Resets the members of the settings class to their default values.
set_CheckCharacters(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to do character checking.
set_CloseInput(bool)Sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or TextReader should be closed when the reader is closed.
set_ConformanceLevel(System::Xml::ConformanceLevel)Sets the level of conformance which the XmlReader will comply.
set_DtdProcessing(System::Xml::DtdProcessing)Sets a value that determines the processing of DTDs.
set_IgnoreComments(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to ignore comments.
set_IgnoreProcessingInstructions(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to ignore processing instructions.
set_IgnoreWhitespace(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to ignore insignificant white space.
set_LineNumberOffset(int32_t)Sets line number offset of the XmlReader object.
set_LinePositionOffset(int32_t)Sets line position offset of the XmlReader object.
set_MaxCharactersFromEntities(int64_t)Sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in a document that result from expanding entities.
set_MaxCharactersInDocument(int64_t)Sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in an XML document. A zero (0) value means no limits on the size of the XML document. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size, in characters.
set_NameTable(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&)Sets the XmlNameTable used for atomized string comparisons.
set_ProhibitDtd(bool)Sets a value indicating whether to prohibit document type definition (DTD) processing.
set_Schemas(const SharedPtr<Schema::XmlSchemaSet>&)Sets the XmlSchemaSet to use when performing schema validation.
set_ValidationFlags(Schema::XmlSchemaValidationFlags)Sets a value indicating the schema validation settings. This setting applies to XmlReader objects that validate schemas (XmlReaderSettings::get_ValidationType value is ValidationType::Schema).
set_ValidationType(System::Xml::ValidationType)Sets a value indicating whether the XmlReader will perform validation or type assignment when reading.
set_XmlResolver(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Sets the XmlResolver used to access external documents.
ValidationEventHandler_add(Args…)Adds an event handler that occurs when the reader encounters validation errors.
ValidationEventHandler_remove(Args…)Removes an event handler that occurs when the reader encounters validation errors.
XmlReaderSettings()Initializes a new instance of the XmlReaderSettings class.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.


Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also