]Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<IShape>, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType) method
Add new effect to the end of sequence.
System::SharedPtr<IEffect> Aspose::Slides::Animation::Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<IShape> shape, EffectType effectType, EffectSubtype subtype, EffectTriggerType triggerType) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
shape | System::SharedPtr<IShape> | Shape object IShape for adding an effect |
effectType | EffectType | Type of an animation effect EffectType |
subtype | EffectSubtype | Subtypes of animation effect EffectSubtype |
triggerType | EffectTriggerType | Trigger type of effect EffectTriggerType |
Return Value
New effect object IEffect
Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<IParagraph>, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType) method
Add new animation effect for paragraph to the end of sequence.
System::SharedPtr<IEffect> Aspose::Slides::Animation::Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<IParagraph> paragraph, EffectType effectType, EffectSubtype subtype, EffectTriggerType triggerType) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
paragraph | System::SharedPtr<IParagraph> | Paragraph object IParagraph |
effectType | EffectType | Type of an animation effect EffectType |
subtype | EffectSubtype | Subtypes of animation effect EffectSubtype |
triggerType | EffectTriggerType | Trigger type of effect EffectTriggerType |
Return Value
New effect object IEffect
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(path + u"input.pptx");
// select paragraph to add effect
auto autoShape = System::ExplicitCast<Aspose::Slides::IAutoShape>(presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0));
auto paragraph = autoShape->get_TextFrame()->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);
// add Fly animation effect to selected paragraph
auto effect = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Timeline()->get_MainSequence()->AddEffect(
Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart>, EffectChartMajorGroupingType, int32_t, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType) method
Adds the new chart animation effect for category or series to the end of sequence.
System::SharedPtr<IEffect> Aspose::Slides::Animation::Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart> chart, EffectChartMajorGroupingType type, int32_t index, EffectType effectType, EffectSubtype subtype, EffectTriggerType triggerType) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
chart | System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart> | Chart object Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart |
type | EffectChartMajorGroupingType | Type of an animation effect EffectChartMinorGroupingType |
index | int32_t | Index int32_t |
effectType | EffectType | Type of an animation effect EffectType |
subtype | EffectSubtype | Subtypes of animation effect EffectSubtype |
triggerType | EffectTriggerType | Trigger type of effect EffectTriggerType |
Return Value
New effect object IEffect
Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart>, EffectChartMinorGroupingType, int32_t, int32_t, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType) method
Adds the new chart animation effect for elements in category or series to the end of sequence.
System::SharedPtr<IEffect> Aspose::Slides::Animation::Sequence::AddEffect(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart> chart, EffectChartMinorGroupingType type, int32_t seriesIndex, int32_t categoriesIndex, EffectType effectType, EffectSubtype subtype, EffectTriggerType triggerType) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
chart | System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart> | Chart object Aspose::Slides::Charts::IChart |
type | EffectChartMinorGroupingType | Type of an animation effect EffectChartMinorGroupingType |
seriesIndex | int32_t | Index of chart series int32_t |
categoriesIndex | int32_t | Index of category int32_t |
effectType | EffectType | Type of an animation effect EffectType |
subtype | EffectSubtype | Subtypes of animation effect EffectSubtype |
triggerType | EffectTriggerType | Trigger type of effect EffectTriggerType |
Return Value
New effect object IEffect
See Also
- Enum EffectType
- Enum EffectSubtype
- Enum EffectTriggerType
- Enum EffectChartMajorGroupingType
- Enum EffectChartMinorGroupingType
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IEffect
- Class IShape
- Class Sequence
- Class IParagraph
- Class IChart
- Namespace Aspose::Slides::Animation
- Library Aspose.Slides