]FontsManager::AddEmbeddedFont(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::IFontData>, Aspose::Slides::Export::EmbedFontCharacters) method
Adds the embedded font
void Aspose::Slides::FontsManager::AddEmbeddedFont(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Slides::IFontData> fontData, Aspose::Slides::Export::EmbedFontCharacters embedFontRule) override
Keep in mind when copying any fonts that most fonts are copyrighted. First locate the license of a font before hand and verify they can be freely transferred to another machine.
FontsManager::AddEmbeddedFont(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, Aspose::Slides::Export::EmbedFontCharacters) method
Adds the embedded font
void Aspose::Slides::FontsManager::AddEmbeddedFont(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> fontData, Aspose::Slides::Export::EmbedFontCharacters embedFontRule) override
Keep in mind when copying any fonts that most fonts are copyrighted. First locate the license of a font before hand and verify they can be freely transferred to another machine.
See Also
- Enum EmbedFontCharacters
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Typedef ArrayPtr
- Class IFontData
- Class FontsManager
- Namespace Aspose::Slides
- Library Aspose.Slides