Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions>, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics>) method
Renders certain slide to a Graphics object.
void Aspose::Slides::Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> options, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> graphics) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> | Rendering options. |
graphics | System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> | The object where to render to. |
- Deprecated
- The method will be removed after release of version 24.7.
Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions>, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics>, float, float) method
Renders certain slide to a Graphics object with custom scaling.
void Aspose::Slides::Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> options, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> graphics, float scaleX, float scaleY) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> | Rendering options. |
graphics | System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> | The object where to render to. |
scaleX | float | The scale for rendering the slide (1.0 is 100%) in the x-axis direction. |
scaleY | float | The scale for rendering the slide (1.0 is 100%) in the y-axis direction. |
- Deprecated
- The method will be removed after release of version 24.7.
Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions>, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics>, System::Drawing::Size) method
Renders certain slide to a Graphics object using specified size.
void Aspose::Slides::Slide::RenderToGraphics(System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> options, System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> graphics, System::Drawing::Size renderingSize) override
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | System::SharedPtr<Export::IRenderingOptions> | Rendering options. |
graphics | System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> | The object where to render to. |
renderingSize | System::Drawing::Size | The maximum dimensions (in pixels) that can be occupied by the rendered slide. |
- Deprecated
- The method will be removed after release of version 24.7.
The following example shows how to convert the first slide to the framed image with the RenderToGraphics method.
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");
auto slide = pres->get_Slide(0);
System::Drawing::Size slideSize(1820, 1040);
// Creates a Bitmap with the specified size (slide size + fields)
auto slideImage = System::MakeObject<System::Drawing::Bitmap>(slideSize.get_Width() + 50, slideSize.get_Height() + 50);
System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> graphics = System::Drawing::Graphics::FromImage(slideImage);
// Fills and translates Graphics to create a frame around the slide
graphics->TranslateTransform(25.0f, 25.0f);
// Renders the first slide to Graphics
slide->RenderToGraphics(System::MakeObject<RenderingOptions>(), graphics, slideSize);
// Saves the image in the JPEG format
slideImage->Save(u"FramedSlide_0.jpg", System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat::get_Jpeg());
The following example shows how to conversion process for a slide with notes using the RenderToGraphics.
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"PresentationNotes.pptx");
auto slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Gets the presentation notes size
System::Drawing::Size notesSize = pres->get_NotesSize()->get_Size().ToSize();
// Creates the rendering options
System::SharedPtr<IRenderingOptions> options = System::MakeObject<RenderingOptions>();
// Sets the position of the notes
System::SharedPtr<NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions> notesCommentsLayouting = System::MakeObject<NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions>();
// Creates a Bitmap with the notes' size
System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Bitmap> slideImage = System::MakeObject<System::Drawing::Bitmap>(notesSize.get_Width(), notesSize.get_Height());
// Renders the first slide to Graphics
System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Graphics> graphics = System::Drawing::Graphics::FromImage(slideImage);
slide->RenderToGraphics(options, graphics, notesSize);
// Saves the image in PNG format
slideImage->Save(u"Slide_Notes_0.png", System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat::get_Png());
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IRenderingOptions
- Class Graphics
- Class Slide
- Class Size
- Namespace Aspose::Slides
- Library Aspose.Slides