

has_data_methodChecks if a type has data() method. If it does, inherits std::true_type, otherwise inherits std::false_type.
has_data_method< System::Collections::BitArray, void >Specialization for BitArray type which provides boost type which is inaccessible there.
has_print_to_methodChecks for overload of PrintTo function that accepts given type as first argument. If an overload exists, inherits std::true_type, otherwise inheirts std::false_type.
IsCppContainerChecks if specific type is STL-style container. To do so, checks for iterator and const_iterator member types existance. If both exist, inherits std::true_type, otherwise inherits std::false_type.
IsEnumerableChecks if type has System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable specialization as basetype. If so, value member is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.
LargestFPTypeProvides alias for longest floating point type provided. Ignores non-floating point types.


AreFPandArithmeticChecks that T1 is arithmetic and T2 is floating point, or vice versa. If so, sets value member to true, otherwise it is false.
AnyOfDecimalChecks that at least one of type arguments is System::Decimal. If so, sets value member to true, otherwise it is false.
IsArrayChecks if type is a System::Array specialization. If so, value member is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.
IsListChecks if type is a System::Collections::Generic::List specialization. If so, value member is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.
BothArrayOrListChecks if both type arguments are arrays or lists. If so, value member is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.
BothEnumerableChecks if both type arguments are IEnumerable. If so, value member is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.