HSL class
Represents a Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect. The hue, saturation, and luminance may each be adjusted relative to its current value.
public sealed class HSL : ImageTransformOperation, IHSL
Name | Description |
AsIPresentationComponent { get; } | Allows to get base IPresentationComponent interface. Read-only IPresentationComponent . |
Name | Description |
override Equals(object) | Determines whether the specified HSL is equal to the current HSL . |
GetEffective() | Gets effective Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect data with the inheritance applied. |
override GetHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. |
See Also
- class ImageTransformOperation
- interface IHSL
- namespace Aspose.Slides.Effects
- assembly Aspose.Slides