
IOverrideTheme interface

Represents a overriding theme.

public interface IOverrideTheme : ITheme


AsITheme { get; }Allows to get base ITheme interface. Read-only ITheme.
IsEmpty { get; }True value means that ColorScheme, FontScheme, FormatScheme is null and any overriding with this theme object are disabled. Read-only Boolean.


Clear()Set ColorScheme, FontScheme, FormatScheme to null to disable any overriding with this theme object.
InitColorScheme()Init ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitColorSchemeFrom(IColorScheme)Init ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitColorSchemeFromInherited()Init ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFontScheme()Init FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFontSchemeFrom(IFontScheme)Init FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFontSchemeFromInherited()Init FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFormatScheme()Init FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFormatSchemeFrom(IFormatScheme)Init FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.
InitFormatSchemeFromInherited()Init FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.

See Also