

Creates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts for this rule.

public string[] ToArray()

Return Value

Array of String


// Create a rule contains a list of fonts.
IFontFallBackRule newRule = new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic, Tahoma, Times New Roman");

// Get all font names as array.
string[] fontNames = newRule.ToArray();

See Also

ToArray(int, int)

Creates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts from the specified range in list.

public string[] ToArray(int startIndex, int count)
startIndexInt32An index of a first font to add.
countInt32A number of fonts to add.

Return Value

Array of String


// Create a rule contains a list of fonts.
IFontFallBackRule newRule = new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic, Tahoma, Times New Roman");

// Get a last two font names as array.
string[] fontNames = newRule.ToArray(2,2);

See Also