Trendline class

Trendline class

Class represents trend line of chart series

The Trendline type exposes the following members:


trendline_nameGets or sets name of the trendline.
Read/write str.
trendline_typeGets or sets type of trend line.
Read/write TrendlineType.
formatRepresents the format of the trend line.
Read/write IFormat.
backwardSpecifies the number of categories (or units on a scatter chart) that the trend line extends before
the data for the series that is being trended. On scatter and non-scatter charts, the value shall be any nonnegative
Read/write float.
forwardSpecifies the number of categories (or units on a scatter chart) that the trendline extends after the
data for the series that is being trended. On scatter and non-scatter charts, the value shall be any non-negative
Read/write float.
interceptSpecifies the value where the trendline shall cross the y axis. This property shall be supported only
when the trendline type is exp, linear, or poly.
Read/write float.
display_equationSpecifies that the equation for the trendline is displayed on the chart (in the same label as the Rsquaredvalue).
Read/write bool.
orderSpecifies the order of the polynomial trend line. It is ignored for other trend line types. Value must be between 2 and 6.
Read/write int.
periodSpecifies the period of the trend line for a moving average trend line. It is ignored for other trend
line variants. Value must be between 2 and 255.
Read/write int.
display_r_squared_valueSpecifies that the R-squared value of the trendline is displayed on the chart (in the same label as the equation).
Read/write bool.
related_legend_entryRepresents legend entry related with this trendline
Read-only ILegendEntryProperties.
text_frame_for_overridingCan contain a rich formatted text. If this property is not None then this
formatted text value overrides auto-generated text of data label.
Auto-generated text of data label means text that is managed by ShowSeriesName,
ShowValue, … properties and is formatted with the TextFormatManager.TextFormat property.
Read-only ITextFrame.
text_formatReturns text format.
Read-only IChartTextFormat.
chartReturns the parent chart.
Read-only IChart.


add_text_frame_for_overridingInitialize TextFrameForOverriding with the text in paramener “text”.
If TextFrameForOverriding is already initialized then simply changes its text.

See Also