BlackWhiteMode enumeration

BlackWhiteMode enumeration

Determines how colored shape should be transformed into black and white.

The BlackWhiteMode type exposes the following members:


NOT_DEFINEDThe property isn’t set
COLORThe object is rendered with normal coloring
AUTOMATICThe object is rendered with automatic coloring
GRAYThe object is rendered with gray coloring
LIGHT_GRAYThe object is rendered with light gray coloring
INVERSE_GRAYThe object is rendered with inverse gray coloring
GRAY_WHITEThe object is rendered with gray and white coloring
BLACK_GRAYThe object is rendered with black and gray coloring
BLACK_WHITEThe object is rendered with black and white coloring
BLACKThe object is rendered only with black coloring
WHITEThe object is rendered with white coloring
HIDDENThe object is not rendered

See Also