IControl class

IControl class

Represents an ActiveX control.

The IControl type exposes the following members:


nameReturns the name of this control.
Read/write str.
class_idGets class id of this control.
Read-only System.Guid.
substitute_picture_formatReturns ControlEx image fill properties object.
Read-only IPictureFillFormat.
frameReturns or sets control’s frame.
Read/write IShapeFrame.
propertiesReturns a collection of ActiveX properties.
Read-only IControlPropertiesCollection.
persistenceGets the method used to store properties of the ActiveX control.
Read only PersistenceType.
active_x_control_binarySpecifies the persistence of an ActiveX control when the method used to persist is either PersistStream, PersistStreamInit or PersistStorage.

See Also