add_chart method


Creates a new Chart, initialize it with sample series data and settings and adds it to the end of the collection.


Created chart.

def add_chart(self, type, x, y, width, height):
typeChartTypeType of chart.
xfloatX coordinate of a new chart.
yfloatY coordinate of a new chart.
widthfloatChart’s width.
heightfloatChart’s height.


Creates a new Chart and adds it to the end of the collection.


Created chart.

def add_chart(self, type, x, y, width, height, init_with_sample):
typeChartTypeType of chart.
xfloatX coordinate of a new chart.
yfloatY coordinate of a new chart.
widthfloatChart’s width.
heightfloatChart’s height.
init_with_sampleboolIf true then new chart will be initialized with sample series data and settings.

If false then new chart will have no series and minimum settings. In this case

chart creation will be more fast.

See Also