ClipPathBuilder Class

ClipPathBuilder class

A builder class for constructing CSS clip-path values. This class provides methods to define clip paths using basic shapes, external references, or geometry boxes. It allows for the creation of complex clipping paths in a structured and readable manner.

public class ClipPathBuilder


ClipPathBuilder()The default constructor.


Build()Builds the clip path value as a string.
Circle(double, double, double, LengthType)Defines a circular clip path.
ClipSourceId(string)Sets the clip path to reference an external source.
Ellipse(double, double, double, double, LengthType)Defines an elliptical clip path.
GeometryBox(GeometryBox)Sets the geometry box for the clip path.
None()Sets the clip path to ’none’, effectively disabling clipping.
Polygon(params double[])Defines a polygonal clip path.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, LengthType)Defines a rectangular clip path with optional rounded corners.

See Also