PaintOrder Enum

PaintOrder enumeration

Specifies the order in which fill, stroke, and markers are applied to SVG elements.

public enum PaintOrder


Normal0The default paint order: first fill, then stroke, and finally markers.
Fill1Paint only the fill.
Stroke2Paint only the stroke.
Markers3Paint only the markers.
FillStroke4Paint in the order of fill, then stroke.
FillMarkers5Paint in the order of fill, then markers.
StrokeFill6Paint in the order of stroke, then fill.
StrokeMarkers7Paint in the order of stroke, then markers.
MarkersFill8Paint in the order of markers, then fill.
MarkersStroke9Paint in the order of markers, then stroke.
FillStrokeMarkers10Paint in the order of fill, then stroke, and finally markers.
FillMarkersStroke11Paint in the order of fill, then markers, and finally stroke.
StrokeFillMarkers12Paint in the order of stroke, then fill, and finally markers.
StrokeMarkersFill13Paint in the order of stroke, then markers, and finally fill.
MarkersFillStroke14Paint in the order of markers, then fill, and finally stroke.
MarkersStrokeFill15Paint in the order of markers, then stroke, and finally fill.

See Also