
In<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, string)

Sets the ‘in’ attribute for an SVG filter primitive.

public static TBuilder In<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, string value)
    where TBuilder : ISVGElementBuilder, IFilterPrimitiveInAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
valueThe source graphic or filter primitive result to use as input.

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.

See Also

In<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, FilterInput)

Sets the ‘in’ attribute for an SVG filter primitive using a predefined input source.

public static TBuilder In<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, FilterInput input)
    where TBuilder : ISVGElementBuilder, IFilterPrimitiveInAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
inputThe predefined input source (e.g., SourceGraphic, SourceAlpha).

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.

See Also