
Points<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, params double[])

Sets the ‘points’ attribute for an SVG element using an array of doubles.

public static TBuilder Points<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, params double[] points)
    where TBuilder : ISVGElementBuilder, IPointsAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
pointsAn array of doubles representing the points (must be an even number).

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.


ArgumentExceptionThrown if an odd number of points are provided.

See Also

Points<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, params PointF[])

Sets the ‘points’ attribute for an SVG element using an array of PointF objects.

public static TBuilder Points<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, params PointF[] points)
    where TBuilder : ISVGElementBuilder, IPointsAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
pointsAn array of PointF objects representing the points.

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.

See Also