SVGSVGElementBuilder Class
SVGSVGElementBuilder class
Builder class for creating an SVGSVGElement, the root element of an SVG document.
public class SVGSVGElementBuilder : SVGElementBuilder<SVGSVGElement>, ICompositeAttributeSetter,
ICompositeElementBuilder, IDocumentEventAttributeSetter, IPreserveAspectRatioAttributeSetter,
IRectAttributeSetter, IViewBoxAttributeSetter
Name | Description |
Attribute(string, string) | |
BaseProfile(double) | Sets the ‘baseProfile’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute indicates which subset of the full SVG specification applies to the document. |
virtual Build(Document) | |
virtual Build(SVGSVGElement) | |
BuildElement(Document) | |
ContentScriptType(string) | Sets the ‘contentScriptType’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the default scripting language for the contents of the SVG document. |
ContentStyleType(string) | Sets the ‘contentStyleType’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the default styling language for the contents of the SVG document. |
Version(double) | Sets the ‘version’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the SVG specification version that the document conforms to. |
WithXlink() | Adds the XLink namespace declaration to the SVG element. This is necessary for using XLink attributes such as ‘xlink:href’. |
ZoomAndPan(string) | Sets the ‘zoomAndPan’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute controls whether the SVG content can be zoomed and panned. |
See Also