SVGSVGElementBuilder Class

SVGSVGElementBuilder class

Builder class for creating an SVGSVGElement, the root element of an SVG document.

public class SVGSVGElementBuilder : SVGElementBuilder<SVGSVGElement>, ICompositeAttributeSetter, 
    ICompositeElementBuilder, IDocumentEventAttributeSetter, IPreserveAspectRatioAttributeSetter, 
    IRectAttributeSetter, IViewBoxAttributeSetter


SVGSVGElementBuilder()The default constructor.


Configurations { get; }


Attribute(string, string)
BaseProfile(double)Sets the ‘baseProfile’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute indicates which subset of the full SVG specification applies to the document.
virtual Build(Document)
virtual Build(SVGSVGElement)
ContentScriptType(string)Sets the ‘contentScriptType’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the default scripting language for the contents of the SVG document.
ContentStyleType(string)Sets the ‘contentStyleType’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the default styling language for the contents of the SVG document.
Version(double)Sets the ‘version’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute specifies the SVG specification version that the document conforms to.
WithXlink()Adds the XLink namespace declaration to the SVG element. This is necessary for using XLink attributes such as ‘xlink:href’.
ZoomAndPan(string)Sets the ‘zoomAndPan’ attribute of the SVG element. This attribute controls whether the SVG content can be zoomed and panned.

See Also